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Showing 25 course outlines from 3985 matches



: Screenwriting Project
2020 Semester One (1203)
Considers the short film script with a focus on the practice and principles of dramatic screenwriting, including industry format and narrative structure. By developing a script for a 5-8 minute film in stages, students will practice creative writing, script development, and pitching while also learning skills related to production management, proposal writing, and preparing and scheduling a low-budget production.
Subject: Screen Production
Restriction: SCREEN 702, 705


: Introduction to Directing
2025 Semester One (1253)
Provides students with a practical overview of the drama and documentary production process from a director's point of view. Students are taken through pre-production, production and post-production on a series of group projects, as well as their own 2-minute short film. Emphasises the importance of directing style, character and story alongside acquiring practical skills. Students are encouraged to critique their own work as well as the work of their classmates.
Subject: Screen Production
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Introduction to Directing
2024 Semester One (1243)
Provides students with a practical overview of the drama and documentary production process from a director's point of view. Students are taken through pre-production, production and post-production on a series of group projects, as well as their own 2-minute short film. Emphasises the importance of directing style, character and story alongside acquiring practical skills. Students are encouraged to critique their own work as well as the work of their classmates.
Subject: Screen Production
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Introduction to Directing
2023 Semester One (1233)
Provides students with a practical overview of the drama and documentary production process from a director's point of view. Students are taken through pre-production, production and post-production on a series of group projects, as well as their own 2-minute short film. Emphasises the importance of directing style, character and story alongside acquiring practical skills. Students are encouraged to critique their own work as well as the work of their classmates.
Subject: Screen Production
Restriction: FTVMS 750


: Introduction to Directing
2022 Semester One (1223)
Provides students with a practical overview of the drama and documentary production process from a director's point of view. Students are taken through pre-production, production and post-production on a series of group projects, as well as their own 2-minute short film. Emphasises the importance of directing style, character and story alongside acquiring practical skills. Students are encouraged to critique their own work as well as the work of their classmates.
Subject: Screen Production
Restriction: FTVMS 750


: Introduction to Directing
2021 Semester One (1213)
Provides students with a practical overview of the drama and documentary production process from a director's point of view. Students are taken through pre-production, production and post-production on a series of group projects, as well as their own 2-minute short film. Emphasises the importance of directing style, character and story alongside acquiring practical skills. Students are encouraged to critique their own work as well as the work of their classmates.
Subject: Screen Production
Restriction: FTVMS 750


: Introduction to Directing
2020 Semester One (1203)
Provides students with a practical overview of the drama and documentary production process from a director's point of view. Students are taken through pre-production, production and post-production on a series of group projects, as well as their own 2-minute short film. Emphasises the importance of directing style, character and story alongside acquiring practical skills. Students are encouraged to critique their own work as well as the work of their classmates.
Subject: Screen Production
Restriction: FTVMS 750


: Advanced Drama Directing
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Focuses on the directing of actors for screen, and the relationship between this and blocking for camera. Students direct in front of the class and create a short piece of work as a group using improvisation. Students first focus on directing and presenting a 10-minute excerpt from a play and then direct and edit an original dramatic short film of 8-10 minutes. Crewing on fellow students' projects is a compulsory requirement.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 701


: Advanced Drama Directing
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Focuses on the directing of actors for screen, and the relationship between this and blocking for camera. Students direct in front of the class and create a short piece of work as a group using improvisation. Students first focus on directing and presenting a 10-minute excerpt from a play and then direct and edit an original dramatic short film of 8-10 minutes. Crewing on fellow students' projects is a compulsory requirement.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 701


: Advanced Drama Directing
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Focuses on the directing of actors for screen, and the relationship between this and blocking for camera. Students direct in front of the class and create a short piece of work as a group using improvisation. Students first focus on directing and presenting a 10-minute excerpt from a play and then direct and edit an original dramatic short film of 8-10 minutes. Crewing on fellow students' projects is a compulsory requirement.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 701
Restriction: FTVMS 752, SCREEN 703


: Advanced Drama Directing
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Focuses on the directing of actors for screen, and the relationship between this and blocking for camera. Students direct in front of the class and create a short piece of work as a group using improvisation. Students first focus on directing and presenting a 10-minute excerpt from a play and then direct and edit an original dramatic short film of 8-10 minutes. Crewing on fellow students' projects is a compulsory requirement.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 701
Restriction: FTVMS 752, SCREEN 703


: Advanced Drama Directing
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Focuses on the directing of actors for screen, and the relationship between this and blocking for camera. Students direct in front of the class and create a short piece of work as a group using improvisation. Students first focus on directing and presenting a 10-minute excerpt from a play and then direct and edit an original dramatic short film of 8-10 minutes. Crewing on fellow students' projects is a compulsory requirement.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 701
Restriction: FTVMS 752, SCREEN 703


: Screenplay Writing and Development
2025 Semester Two (1255)
A practical course in which students work on original features and analyse the work of writers. Students develop a better sense of structure, plot, characters, dialogue, genre and understand the dynamics of constructive feedback and rewriting, known in the screen industry as the ‘development process.’ Combines lectures and workshops and builds upon SCREEN 700.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 700 or 705 or approval of Programme Director


: Screenplay Writing and Development
2024 Semester Two (1245)
A practical course in which students work on original features and analyse the work of writers. Students develop a better sense of structure, plot, characters, dialogue, genre and understand the dynamics of constructive feedback and rewriting, known in the screen industry as the ‘development process.’ Combines lectures and workshops and builds upon SCREEN 700.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 700 or 705 or approval of Programme Director


: Screenplay Writing and Development
2023 Semester Two (1235)
A practical course in which students work on original features and analyse the work of writers. Students develop a better sense of structure, plot, characters, dialogue, genre and understand the dynamics of constructive feedback and rewriting, known in the screen industry as the ‘development process.’ Combines lectures and workshops and builds upon SCREEN 700.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 705 or equivalent
Restriction: FTVMS 759, SCREEN 706


: Screenplay Writing and Development
2022 Semester Two (1225)
A practical course in which students work on original features and analyse the work of writers. Students develop a better sense of structure, plot, characters, dialogue, genre and understand the dynamics of constructive feedback and rewriting, known in the screen industry as the ‘development process.’ Combines lectures and workshops and builds upon SCREEN 700.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 705 or equivalent
Restriction: FTVMS 759, SCREEN 706


: Advanced Screenwriting: Drama
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Focuses on screenplay writing for feature films. Through a combination of lectures and workshops, students will take individual feature-length projects from pitch to step outline. The course emphasises plot, structure, character, and dialogue. Students will also gain skills in analysing screenplays and writing treatments.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 705 or equivalent
Restriction: FTVMS 759, SCREEN 706


: Issues and Themes in Sociology
2025 Semester One (1253)
Introduction to sociology as a discipline and a review of some of its internal debates. Topics include: social class, gender, globalisation, power, sexual identity and family. Draws on material from a range of societies.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Issues and Themes in Sociology
2024 Semester One (1243)
Introduction to sociology as a discipline and a review of some of its internal debates. Topics include: social class, gender, globalisation, power, sexual identity and family. Draws on material from a range of societies.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Issues and Themes in Sociology
2023 Semester One (1233)
Introduction to sociology as a discipline and a review of some of its internal debates. Topics include: social class, gender, globalisation, power, sexual identity and family. Draws on material from a range of societies.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Issues and Themes in Sociology
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Introduction to sociology as a discipline and a review of some of its internal debates. Topics include: social class, gender, globalisation, power, sexual identity and family. Draws on material from a range of societies.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Issues and Themes in Sociology
2022 Semester One (1223)
Introduction to sociology as a discipline and a review of some of its internal debates. Topics include: social class, gender, globalisation, power, sexual identity and family. Draws on material from a range of societies.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Issues and Themes in Sociology
2021 Semester One (1213)
Introduction to sociology as a discipline and a review of some of its internal debates. Topics include: social class, gender, globalisation, power, sexual identity and family. Draws on material from a range of societies.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Issues and Themes in Sociology
2020 Semester One (1203)
Introduction to sociology as a discipline and a review of some of its internal debates. Topics include: social class, gender, globalisation, power, sexual identity and family. Draws on material from a range of societies.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Provides an introduction to the sociological analysis of New Zealand society. Looks at familiar events, institutions, social processes from a sociological point of view and offers ways to understand them in new and different ways. Focuses on the structure of New Zealand society and on social and political changes which affect the lives of New Zealanders and shape their society.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions