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Showing 25 course outlines from 3985 matches



: Global Challenges
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Engages with real-world challenges that evoke key global studies themes such as global economic complexity and interdependence; globalisation and identity; cyberspace and netizenship; environmental and health challenges; global citizenship and responsibility. A workshop-based format prioritises teamwork where students produce a joint project in response to their chosen challenge. Provides research methods training to enable students to produce a research proposal for their capstone project.
Subject: Global Studies
Prerequisite: GLOBAL 100 or 102

Outline is not available yet



: Global Challenges
2022 Semester One (1223)
Engages with real-world challenges that evoke key global studies themes such as global economic complexity and interdependence; globalisation and identity; cyberspace and netizenship; environmental and health challenges; global citizenship and responsibility. A workshop-based format prioritises teamwork where students produce a joint project in response to their chosen challenge. Provides research methods training to enable students to produce a research proposal for their capstone project.
Subject: Global Studies
Prerequisite: GLOBAL 100 or 102

Outline is not available yet



: Global Challenges
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Engages with real-world challenges that evoke key global studies themes such as global economic complexity and interdependence; globalisation and identity; cyberspace and netizenship; environmental and health challenges; global citizenship and responsibility. A workshop-based format prioritises teamwork where students produce a joint project in response to their chosen challenge. Provides research methods training to enable students to produce a research proposal for their capstone project.
Subject: Global Studies
Prerequisite: GLOBAL 100

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: Special Topic
2020 Semester One (1203)
Subject: Global Studies
Prerequisite: 60 points at Stage I in Global Studies

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: Special Topic: Asian Cities: Growth and Transition
2021 Summer School (1210)
Explores urbanisation and development in Asia as processes from a variety of disciplinary approaches to provide a comprehensive global studies analysis of these interrelated concepts. Focuses on critical topics such as pollution, housing, labour, gender, mobility, and education. The geographical breadth of the course covers East, Southeast, and South Asia.
Subject: Global Studies
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage I
Restriction: GLOBAL 352

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: Special Topic
2020 Semester One (1203)
Subject: Global Studies
Prerequisite: 60 points at Stage I in Global Studies

Outline is not available yet



: Research Project
2020 Semester Two (1205)
This capstone course provides the opportunity for the synthesis and application of skills and knowledge developed throughout the degree programme. Students complete a research project that applies all the components of the degree.
Subject: Global Studies
Prerequisite: GLOBAL 200

Outline is not available yet



: Special Topic: Migration in the Americas
2021 Semester One (1213)
Examines migration in the Americas by exploring the responses of local communities and peoples in Central and South America to international involvement. Discusses the role of global power (and super power) in the region, the connections between historic US action and contemporary migration, and the ways these intersect with issues such as indigenous rights, self-governance and environmental activism.
Subject: Global Studies
Prerequisite: 30 points passed at Stage II
Restriction: GLOBAL 251

Outline is not available yet



: Special Topic: Asian Cities: Growth and Transition
2021 Summer School (1210)
Explores urbanisation and development in Asia as processes from a variety of disciplinary approaches to provide a comprehensive global studies analysis of these interrelated concepts. Focuses on critical topics such as pollution, housing, labour, gender, mobility, and education. The geographical breadth of the course covers East, Southeast, and South Asia.
Subject: Global Studies
Prerequisite: 30 points passed at Stage II
Restriction: GLOBAL 252

Outline is not available yet



: Themes in Global Studies
2022 Semester One (1223)
Critically reviews the field of Global studies from an advanced theoretical perspective. Readings explore key concepts such as globalisation/antiglobalisation, inequality, transnationalism, labour, the environment, and public health. Emphasis on transdisciplinary theories concerning human rights, environmental sustainability, global business, Māori and indigenous issues, and cultural industries.
Subject: Global Studies
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Contemporary Issues in Global Studies
2025 Semester One (1253)
Considers the current landscape of Global Studies at the intersection of theory and case studies. Investigates the novelty and challenges in approaching the world’s most pressing problems using a Global Studies-inflected theoretical lens. Uses case studies from the Pacific and driven by indigenous knowledge to solve practical problems like social, economic, and health inequality, unsustainable environmental development, and political conflict.
Subject: Global Studies
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Directed Study
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Subject: Global Studies
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Ancient Greek Literary Texts 2B
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Detailed study of prescribed texts with reference to their language and meaning, and critical appreciation of their literary, historical and/or philosophical qualities.
Subject: Greek
Prerequisite: GREEK 101

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: Ancient Greek Literary Texts 2D
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Detailed study of prescribed texts with reference to their language and meaning, and critical appreciation of their literary, historical and/or philosophical qualities.
Subject: Greek
Prerequisite: GREEK 101

Outline is not available yet



: Ancient Greek Literary Texts 3B
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Detailed study of prescribed texts with reference to their language and meaning, and critical appreciation of their literary, historical and/or philosophical qualities.
Subject: Greek
Prerequisite: GREEK 200 and either GREEK 201 or 202

Outline is not available yet



: Selected Greek Texts 1
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Selected texts will be set for translation and explanation.
Subject: Greek
To complete this course students must enrol in GREEK 707 A and B, or GREEK 707


: Translation Portfolio: Greek to English
2020 Semester One (1203)
A learning portfolio which may include practical exercises in translation, comparative study of different translations of one or more ancient Greek authors, stylistic analysis, or study of the translation history of one or more Greek texts.
Subject: Greek
Restriction: GREEK 700 To complete this course students must enrol in GREEK 714 A and B, or GREEK 714

Outline is not available yet



: Translation Portfolio: Greek to English
2021 Semester Two (1215)
A learning portfolio which may include practical exercises in translation, comparative study of different translations of one or more ancient Greek authors, stylistic analysis, or study of the translation history of one or more Greek texts.
Subject: Greek
Restriction: GREEK 700 To complete this course students must enrol in GREEK 714 A and B, or GREEK 714


: Global History
2025 Semester One (1253)
It is only since the fifteenth century that a truly global dimension to history can be identified. This course examines key determinants that have bound the fate of peoples together including the emergence of world trade networks, the growth of world religions, the spread of epidemic diseases, the formation of empires, and the migration of peoples across continents.
Subject: History
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Global History
2024 Semester One (1243)
It is only since the fifteenth century that a truly global dimension to history can be identified. This course examines key determinants that have bound the fate of peoples together including the emergence of world trade networks, the growth of world religions, the spread of epidemic diseases, the formation of empires, and the migration of peoples across continents.
Subject: History
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Global History
2023 Semester One (1233)
It is only since the fifteenth century that a truly global dimension to history can be identified. This course examines key determinants that have bound the fate of peoples together including the emergence of world trade networks, the growth of world religions, the spread of epidemic diseases, the formation of empires, and the migration of peoples across continents.
Subject: History
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Global History
2022 Semester Two (1225)
It is only since the fifteenth century that a truly global dimension to history can be identified. This course examines key determinants that have bound the fate of peoples together including the emergence of world trade networks, the growth of world religions, the spread of epidemic diseases, the formation of empires, and the migration of peoples across continents.
Subject: History
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Settlers and Empire
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Explores the histories of nineteenth and twentieth century British settler societies, with a particular focus on New Zealand, Australia and Canada. Examines the key conceptual frameworks and major themes for thinking about the comparative and transnational pasts of these settler societies.
Subject: History
To complete this course students must enrol in HISTORY 700 A and B


: Settlers and Empire
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Explores the histories of nineteenth and twentieth century British settler societies, with a particular focus on New Zealand, Australia and Canada. Examines the key conceptual frameworks and major themes for thinking about the comparative and transnational pasts of these settler societies.
Subject: History
To complete this course students must enrol in HISTORY 700 A and B


: Writing New Zealand
2024 Semester Two (1245)
A study of the writing of New Zealand history from nineteenth century accounts through to more recent, revisionist undertakings. Considers general and overview histories, as well as key texts and the debates generated by such works. Students will have an opportunity to undertake research on a topic of their own choosing.
Subject: History
To complete this course students must enrol in HISTORY 705 A and B