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Showing 25 course outlines from 3985 matches



: Korean for Beginners 1
2025 Semester One (1253)
Basic written and spoken skills in modern Korean. Through the practice of listening to and reading basic Korean sentences, fundamental grammar and vocabulary are taught so that students will be able to carry out basic conversation and comprehend simple Korean texts.
Subject: Korean
Restriction: KOREAN 100, 250. May not be taken if a more advanced language acquisition course in this subject has previously been passed


: Korean for Beginners 1
2024 Semester One (1243)
Basic written and spoken skills in modern Korean. Through the practice of listening to and reading basic Korean sentences, fundamental grammar and vocabulary are taught so that students will be able to carry out basic conversation and comprehend simple Korean texts.
Subject: Korean
Restriction: KOREAN 100, 250. May not be taken if a more advanced language acquisition course in this subject has previously been passed


: Korean for Beginners 1
2024 Summer School (1240)
Basic written and spoken skills in modern Korean. Through the practice of listening to and reading basic Korean sentences, fundamental grammar and vocabulary are taught so that students will be able to carry out basic conversation and comprehend simple Korean texts.
Subject: Korean
Restriction: KOREAN 100, 250. May not be taken if a more advanced language acquisition course in this subject has previously been passed


: Korean for Beginners 1
2023 Semester One (1233)
Basic written and spoken skills in modern Korean. Through the practice of listening to and reading basic Korean sentences, fundamental grammar and vocabulary are taught so that students will be able to carry out basic conversation and comprehend simple Korean texts.
Subject: Korean
Restriction: KOREAN 100, 250. May not be taken if a more advanced language acquisition course in this subject has previously been passed


: Korean for Beginners 1
2023 Summer School (1230)
Basic written and spoken skills in modern Korean. Through the practice of listening to and reading basic Korean sentences, fundamental grammar and vocabulary are taught so that students will be able to carry out basic conversation and comprehend simple Korean texts.
Subject: Korean
Restriction: KOREAN 100, 250. May not be taken if a more advanced language acquisition course in this subject has previously been passed


: Korean for Beginners 1
2022 Semester One (1223)
Basic written and spoken skills in modern Korean. Through the practice of listening to and reading basic Korean sentences, fundamental grammar and vocabulary are taught so that students will be able to carry out basic conversation and comprehend simple Korean texts.
Subject: Korean
Restriction: KOREAN 100, 250. May not be taken if a more advanced language acquisition course in this subject has previously been passed


: Korean for Beginners 1
2022 Summer School (1220)
Basic written and spoken skills in modern Korean. Through the practice of listening to and reading basic Korean sentences, fundamental grammar and vocabulary are taught so that students will be able to carry out basic conversation and comprehend simple Korean texts.
Subject: Korean
Restriction: KOREAN 100, 250. May not be taken if a more advanced language acquisition course in this subject has previously been passed


: Korea through TV Drama and Film
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Examines some of the cultural, social and political issues of contemporary South Korea through a selection of popular TV dramas and films.
Subject: Korean
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage I in Asian Studies, Chinese, Japanese or Korean, or 30 points from COMMS 100, FTVMS 100, 101, MEDIA 101 or 45 points at Stage I in BA courses
Restriction: ASIAN 202, KOREAN 305

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: Korea through TV Drama and Film
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Examines some of the cultural, social and political issues of contemporary South Korea through a selection of popular TV dramas and films.
Subject: Korean
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in Asian Studies, Chinese, Japanese or Korean or 30 points at Stage II in Media, Film and Television
Restriction: ASIAN 202, KOREAN 205

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: Korean Study Abroad 3C
2025 Semester One (1253)
Formal language study at an approved overseas institution where the language of instruction is Korean. May include supplementary study at the University of Auckland.
Subject: Korean
Prerequisite: KOREAN 301 or 377 or 378 and approval by Academic Head or nominee

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: Korean Study Abroad 3C
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Formal language study at an approved overseas institution where the language of instruction is Korean. May include supplementary study at the University of Auckland.
Subject: Korean
Prerequisite: KOREAN 301 or 377 or 378 and approval by Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Developing Literacy in a Second Language
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Examines the theory and practice related to the development of both initial and advanced literacy in a second language: how reading and writing skills are developed in a second language; the interdependency of first and second language literacy skills; effective instructional methods and the role played by second language literacy in the development of academic skills where English is the medium of instruction.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
Prerequisite: 30 points passed or approval of Academic Head or nominee

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: Special Topic: Language Learning and the Brain
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Introduces prominent cognitive aspects of language learning. These include memory, attention, code-switching, and multimodal integration when learners form correspondences between linguistic and sensory input. Examines the power of language to influence brain responses and optical illusions. The mechanisms of linguistic influence on the brain, and their implications for teaching, will be explored from multiple angles.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
Prerequisite: 30 points passed

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: Language and Technology
2024 Semester One (1243)
Introduces students to theoretical and practical aspects of using technology for language learning and teaching purposes. Enables students to develop confidence in their ability to integrate technology into their teaching, and in their capacity to explore other technological applications in response to workplace needs. Students will also experience and reflect upon the language learning dimension, and critically examine on the relative benefits of particular applications with reference to sound pedagogical principles.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
Prerequisite: 30 points passed at Stage II

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: Special Topic: Experimental Approaches to SLA
2021 Semester One (1213)
Familiarises students with experiments that investigate second language acquisition. There are two goals. First, to develop an understanding of a range of methods in the field, which include categorisation and memory tests, eye-tracking, measuring skin conductance responses and brain signals. Second, to train students to critically read reports from experiments and to evaluate their relevance for SLA research.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Corpus Studies in Applied Linguistics
2025 Semester One (1253)
Covers the theoretical and practical aspects of using corpora to promote language learning. A major part of the course will focus on using corpora and text analysis tools to provide a description of language as it is used by different people for different purposes. Once we have a good description of language usage, we can move on to consider the role of corpus studies in language teaching.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Corpus Studies in Applied Linguistics
2021 Semester One (1213)
Covers the theoretical and practical aspects of using corpora to promote language learning. A major part of the course will focus on using corpora and text analysis tools to provide a description of language as it is used by different people for different purposes. Once we have a good description of language usage, we can move on to consider the role of corpus studies in language teaching.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
Restriction: LANGTCHG 713

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: Computer Assisted Language Learning
2025 Semester One (1253)
Covers the theoretical and practical aspects of using technology to promote language learning. Includes culture and CALL, exercise authoring, CALL research, technology and the four skills, web-based language learning, computer-mediated communication, and CALL evaluation.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Computer Assisted Language Learning
2021 Semester One (1213)
Covers the theoretical and practical aspects of using technology to promote language learning. Includes culture and CALL, exercise authoring, CALL research, technology and the four skills, web-based language learning, computer-mediated communication, and CALL evaluation.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
Restriction: LANGTCHG 719

Outline is not available yet



: Second Language Acquisition
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Advanced study of current theories of second language acquisition and research that have examined both instructed and naturalistic acquisition. Includes an independent study involving analysis of learner language and writing a standard research report and a critique of a pedagogical approach, drawing on contemporary research on how languages are learned.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
Restriction: LANGTCHG 722, 723, 743

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: Second Language Acquisition
2021 Semester One (1213)
Advanced study of current theories of second language acquisition and research that have examined both instructed and naturalistic acquisition. Includes an independent study involving analysis of learner language and writing a standard research report and a critique of a pedagogical approach, drawing on contemporary research on how languages are learned.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
Restriction: LANGTCHG 722, 723, 743

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: Second Language Acquisition
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Advanced study of current theories of second language acquisition and research that have examined both instructed and naturalistic acquisition. Includes an independent study involving analysis of learner language and writing a standard research report and a critique of a pedagogical approach, drawing on contemporary research on how languages are learned.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
Restriction: LANGTCHG 722, 723, 743

Outline is not available yet



: Creativity: Research and Practice
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Theoretical perspectives, pedagogical practices and research projects related to the topic of creativity in language learning and teaching. Enables students to acquire an advanced understanding of the concept of ‘creativity’ with reference to language teaching and learning through exploratory research, practice and reflection.
Subject: Language Teaching and Learning
Restriction: LANGTCHG 755

Outline is not available yet



: Introduction to Latin Language 1
2025 Semester One (1253)
An introduction to the vocabulary and the grammar of simple sentences in Latin.
Subject: Latin
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Introduction to Latin Language 1
2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to the vocabulary and the grammar of simple sentences in Latin.
Subject: Latin
No pre-requisites or restrictions