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Showing 25 course outlines from 3985 matches



: Creating Serial Narratives
2020 Semester One (1203)
Enables students to create scripted narratives for television or the web. Examines the history of serial and episodic narratives as well as the current audiences and platforms for both broad and niche shows. Students will conceive, write and produce a serialised narrative.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 200, 201 and approval of Academic Head or nominee
Restriction: FTVMS 311

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: Working with Performers for Screen
2021 Semester One (1213)
An intensive study of working methods for directing performance of both actors and non-actors as well as non-fiction subjects.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 200, 201 and approval of Academic Head or nominee

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: Screenwriting Project
2021 Semester One (1213)
Considers the short film script with a focus on the practice and principles of dramatic screenwriting, including industry format and narrative structure. By developing a script for a 5-8 minute film in stages, students will practice creative writing, script development, and pitching while also learning skills related to production management, proposal writing, and preparing and scheduling a low-budget production.
Subject: Screen Production
Restriction: SCREEN 702, 705

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: Advanced Drama Directing
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Focuses on the directing of actors for screen, and the relationship between this and blocking for camera. Students direct in front of the class and create a short piece of work as a group using improvisation. Students first focus on directing and presenting a 10-minute excerpt from a play and then direct and edit an original dramatic short film of 8-10 minutes. Crewing on fellow students' projects is a compulsory requirement.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 701
Restriction: FTVMS 752, SCREEN 703

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: Advanced Screenwriting: Drama
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Focuses on screenplay writing for feature films. Through a combination of lectures and workshops, students will take individual feature-length projects from pitch to step outline. The course emphasises plot, structure, character, and dialogue. Students will also gain skills in analysing screenplays and writing treatments.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: SCREEN 705 or equivalent
Restriction: FTVMS 759, SCREEN 706

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: Directed Study
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Directed research on a selected topic.
Subject: Screen Production
No pre-requisites or restrictions

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: Production Project
2021 Semester One (1213)
The production of a substantial project in which the student specialises as director, writer, or producer completing either a documentary (approximately 30 minutes), a short dramatic film (approximately 10-15 minutes) or a feature length screenplay (80-110 pages). Students are required to attend a seminar series conducted by academic staff and industry practitioners in Semester One. Crewing on fellow students' projects is also required.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: Approval of Academic Head or nominee
Restriction: FTVMS 776, SCREEN 720 To complete this course students must enrol in SCREEN 797 A and B

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: Production Project
2021 Semester Two (1215)
The production of a substantial project in which the student specialises as director, writer, or producer completing either a documentary (approximately 30 minutes), a short dramatic film (approximately 10-15 minutes) or a feature length screenplay (80-110 pages). Students are required to attend a seminar series conducted by academic staff and industry practitioners in Semester One. Crewing on fellow students' projects is also required.
Subject: Screen Production
Prerequisite: Approval of Academic Head or nominee
Restriction: FTVMS 776, SCREEN 720 To complete this course students must enrol in SCREEN 797 A and B

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: Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Provides an introduction to the sociological analysis of New Zealand society. Looks at familiar events, institutions, social processes from a sociological point of view and offers ways to understand them in new and different ways. Focuses on the structure of New Zealand society and on social and political changes which affect the lives of New Zealanders and shape their society.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions

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: Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Provides an introduction to the sociological analysis of New Zealand society. Looks at familiar events, institutions, social processes from a sociological point of view and offers ways to understand them in new and different ways. Focuses on the structure of New Zealand society and on social and political changes which affect the lives of New Zealanders and shape their society.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Provides an introduction to the sociological analysis of New Zealand society. Looks at familiar events, institutions, social processes from a sociological point of view and offers ways to understand them in new and different ways. Focuses on the structure of New Zealand society and on social and political changes which affect the lives of New Zealanders and shape their society.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
2024 Summer School (1240)
Provides an introduction to the sociological analysis of New Zealand society. Looks at familiar events, institutions, social processes from a sociological point of view and offers ways to understand them in new and different ways. Focuses on the structure of New Zealand society and on social and political changes which affect the lives of New Zealanders and shape their society.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Provides an introduction to the sociological analysis of New Zealand society. Looks at familiar events, institutions, social processes from a sociological point of view and offers ways to understand them in new and different ways. Focuses on the structure of New Zealand society and on social and political changes which affect the lives of New Zealanders and shape their society.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions

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: Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Provides an introduction to the sociological analysis of New Zealand society. Looks at familiar events, institutions, social processes from a sociological point of view and offers ways to understand them in new and different ways. Focuses on the structure of New Zealand society and on social and political changes which affect the lives of New Zealanders and shape their society.
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Sociological Theory
2020 Semester One (1203)
An introduction to the major themes of social theory. The focus is on the analyses of modern society to be found in the works of classical and contemporary social analysts.
Subject: Sociology
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage I in Sociology or 15 points at Stage I in Sociology with a minimum B+ pass

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: Environmental Sociology
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Environmental sociology provides insight into the complex social processes that define, create and even threaten our natural environment. This course gives tools with which to think sociologically about environmental issues, such as understanding how environmental issues come to be seen as environmental problems, and how political, cultural, and economic factors have come to shape our interaction with the natural environment.
Subject: Sociology
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage I in Sociology or 30 points from ENVSCI 101, 201, GEOG 102, 205

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: Critical Theory and Society
2024 Semester One (1243)
Critical theory seeks to understand the multiple contradictions of society and to offer roadmaps for progressive social change. This course explores foundational ideas in the tradition of critical theory and in contemporary critical thought. Critical theories are situated in the social and historical contexts from which they arise and are scrutinised for their relevance to contemporary struggles for social justice.
Subject: Sociology
Prerequisite: SOCIOL 200 or 30 points above Stage I in BA or Global Studies courses

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: Critical Theory and Society
2021 Semester One (1213)
Critical theory seeks to understand the multiple contradictions of society and to offer roadmaps for progressive social change. This course explores foundational ideas in the tradition of critical theory and in contemporary critical thought. Critical theories are situated in the social and historical contexts from which they arise and are scrutinised for their relevance to contemporary struggles for social justice.
Subject: Sociology
Prerequisite: SOCIOL 200 or 30 points above Stage I in BA or Global Studies courses

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: Sociology of Migration
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Examines international migration in the context of the modern world economy, its impact on global cultures and its relationships with ideologies such as nationalism and racism. The focus is on the Pacific Rim region, but in the context of, and in comparison with, other parts of the world.
Subject: Sociology
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in Sociology or 15 points at Stage II in Sociology and 30 points at Stage II in BA courses
Restriction: SOCIOL 224, 228

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: Researching Social Problems
2020 Semester One (1203)
Develops skills in integrating theory and methods so that students can critically engage with social problems using a sociological lens both inside and outside the university.
Subject: Sociology
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in Sociology or 60 points passed at Stage II from BA courses

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: Sociology of Violence and Death
2021 Semester One (1213)
Drawing on writings from a variety of intellectual traditions, this course explores the contested nature of violence through an examination of a number of contemporary debates about the causes, agents, consequences, as well as responses to and interventions in, incidents of violence.
Subject: Sociology
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in Sociology, or 15 points at Stage II in Sociology and CRIM 201 or 202

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: Sociology of Health, Illness, and Medicine
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Presents a conceptual and topical overview of the Sociology of Health, Illness, and Medicine. Specific topics to be addressed include: the social distribution of disease; the social production of disease; the social construction of 'illness'; the social construction of treatment practices; patient experiences of illness and healthcare; the social organisation of medicine; and alternative visions of healthcare.
Subject: Sociology
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in Sociology, or SOCSCIPH 200

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: Sociology of Health, Illness, and Medicine
2020 Semester One (1203)
Presents a conceptual and topical overview of the Sociology of Health, Illness, and Medicine. Specific topics to be addressed include: the social distribution of disease; the social production of disease; the social construction of 'illness'; the social construction of treatment practices; patient experiences of illness and healthcare; the social organisation of medicine; and alternative visions of healthcare.
Subject: Sociology
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in Sociology, or SOCSCIPH 200

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: Research Projects: Design and Practice
2021 Semester One (1213)
Explores some of the major principles of research design and practice before discussing particular methods of research. Students will work through problem definition, literature review, and research design. Both ‘empirical’ and ‘theoretical’ projects will be encouraged.
Subject: Sociology
Restriction: SOCIOL 731, SOCSCRES 701

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: Directed Study
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Subject: Sociology
No pre-requisites or restrictions

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