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Showing 25 course outlines from 3985 matches



: Principles and Practices of Social Communication
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Develops students’ skills in communicating effectively and ethically to promote positive social change. Students will develop a critical understanding of different media and produce communication strategies relating to real-world social issues. The course also looks at processes for evaluating the effectiveness of social communication, such as carrying out stakeholder consultation and audience testing.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: COMMS 212 and 45 points at Stage II in BA or BC courses


: Principles and Practices of Social Communication
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Develops students’ skills in communicating effectively and ethically to promote positive social change. Students will produce communication relating to real-world social issues, where possible in partnership with an external organisation working to promote social change. The course also looks at processes for carrying out stakeholder consultation and audience testing.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: COMMS 212 and 45 points at Stage II in BA or BC courses


: Environmental Communication
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Investigates how environmental challenges and policies are communicated in contemporary society. Particular emphasis is given to the relationship between science communication and popular media narratives.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage II


: Decolonising Technology and Data
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Explores Indigenous perspectives on technology and data. Policy, activism and design are explored in relation to decolonisation, equity and rangatiratanga (sovereignty).
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage II


: Decolonising Technology and Data
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Explores Indigenous perspectives on technology and data. Policy, activism and design are explored in relation to decolonisation, equity and rangatiratanga (sovereignty).
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage II


: Technology Futures
2025 Semester One (1253)
Considers the place of digital technologies in diverse and contested visions of the future, from Silicon Valley futurism to surveillance dystopias, and from ecological critiques of high-technology to projects for building a digital commons.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage II
Restriction: COMMS 300


: Technology Futures
2024 Semester One (1243)
Considers the place of digital technologies in diverse and contested visions of the future, from Silicon Valley futurism to surveillance dystopias, and from ecological critiques of high-technology to projects for building a digital commons.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage II
Restriction: COMMS 300


: Technology Futures
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Considers the place of digital technologies in diverse and contested visions of the future, from Silicon Valley futurism to surveillance dystopias, and from ecological critiques of high-technology to projects for building a digital commons.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage II
Restriction: COMMS 300


: Communication Strategies in the Workplace
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Addresses principles and best practices for effective communication within workplaces and organisations. Focuses on students’ skills in key areas including: professionalism in communication; listening skills; conflict resolution; and negotiation skills. Particular emphasis is given to the skills required for developing coherent and consistent communication strategies.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: COMMS 214 and 45 points passed at Stage II


: Communication Strategies in the Workplace
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Addresses principles and best practices for effective communication within workplaces and organisations. Focuses on students’ skills in key areas including: professionalism in communication; listening skills; conflict resolution; and negotiation skills. Particular emphasis is given to the skills required for developing coherent and consistent communication strategies.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: COMMS 214 and 45 points passed at Stage II


: Communication Project
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Students complete a practical or academic project, involving individual or group-based work.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points at Stage II in BC courses


: News and Journalism in the Digital Age
2025 Semester One (1253)
Examines the changing nature of news and journalism in the digital age. Themes covered include: news values and news cycles; journalistic principles and practices; the interface between journalism and news sources, including public relations industries; journalism’s ‘fourth estate’ role and the evolving relationship between news and public opinion in the digital age; and the political economy of contemporary journalism.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage II


: News and Journalism in the Digital Age
2024 Semester One (1243)
Examines the changing nature of news and journalism in the digital age. Themes covered include: news values and news cycles; journalistic principles and practices; the interface between journalism and news sources, including public relations industries; journalism’s ‘fourth estate’ role and the evolving relationship between news and public opinion in the digital age; and the political economy of contemporary journalism.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage II


: News and Journalism in the Digital Age
2023 Semester One (1233)
Examines the changing nature of news and journalism in the digital age. Themes covered include: news values and news cycles; journalistic principles and practices; the interface between journalism and news sources, including public relations industries; journalism’s ‘fourth estate’ role and the evolving relationship between news and public opinion in the digital age; and the political economy of contemporary journalism.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points passed at Stage II


: Digital Communication and Practice
2025 Semester One (1253)
Offers a practical and creative approach to digital communication with critical context. Students navigate the capacities, affordances and limitations of a variety of digital tools and formats by developing skills to create platform-specific outputs, such as GIFs, interactive bots, vlogs, data visualisations, and more.
Subject: Communication
Prerequisite: 60 points at Stage II
Restriction: COMMS 103, 301


: Digital Futures
2020 Semester One (1203)
Considers emerging communication and media technologies and potential future consequences for individuals, societies, and the world at large. Key areas of interest include robotics and AI; ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things (IoT); 3D printing; virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies. Issues examined include automation; future of employment; surveillance; new modes of experience; transformed human relationships; and ecological consequences.
Subject: Communication
Restriction: MEDIA 717


: Communication Excess and Avoidance
2020 Semester One (1203)
Silences and absences make communication possible. Each medium, whether spoken or printed, projected or computed, has peculiar silences ranging from elegant to tragic, comic to painful, fleeting to eternal. Superabundant digital media raise acute questions about communicative excess and possible needs to disconnect. Such questions will be addressed alongside the cultural and technological history of communication excess and absence.
Subject: Communication
Restriction: MEDIA 745


: Special Topic: Communication and Culture
2021 Semester One (1213)
Explores the mutually constitutive relationship between communication and culture through analyses of the cultural forms and meanings of social interaction. Acquaints students with classic and contemporary readings and introduces students to ways in which they can adopt a cultural approach toward communication phenomena in interpersonal, organisational, and intercultural settings.
Subject: Communication
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Communication Perspectives
2024 Semester One (1243)
Critical review of key debates and perspectives in the Communication field, with a particular emphasis on social change communication. Balances broad coverage of dominant approaches in the field with the study of under-represented perspectives including through studies of Indigenous scholarship and research from the Global South.
Subject: Communication
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Communication Case Studies
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Explores how research in the Communication field can be applied to address complex challenges of the contemporary world and contribute to the development of solutions. Themes and topics will vary from year to year in line with changing societal issues and the research projects of contributing staff.
Subject: Communication
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Communication Case Studies
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Explores how research in the Communication field can be applied to address complex challenges of the contemporary world and contribute to the development of solutions. Themes and topics will vary from year to year in line with changing societal issues and the research projects of contributing staff.
Subject: Communication
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Special Topic: Communication and Cultural Work
2025 Semester One (1253)
Combines theories of cultural and communication work with real-world case studies and lived experience. Combining theory and practice, it enables students to reflect critically on their own experiences of working in communication and cultural fields and/or their aspirations of working in these fields. It draws on research and experiences both from within Aotearoa New Zealand, and beyond.
Subject: Communication
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Documentary Making
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Students produce, direct and edit a 9-12 minute documentary. Emphasis is placed on learning technical and craft aspects of documentary-making informed by the rich and varied tradition of the genre. Analysis of a series of influential documentaries.
Subject: Communication
Restriction: SCREEN 713


: Documentary Making
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Students produce, direct and edit a 9-12 minute documentary. Emphasis is placed on learning technical and craft aspects of documentary-making informed by the rich and varied tradition of the genre. Analysis of a series of influential documentaries.
Subject: Communication
Restriction: SCREEN 713


: World Literatures I: Life, Death, War, Peace, Love
2024 Semester One (1243)
Myths, epics, bawdy tales, satires, songs, and plays make up traditions of ancient, medieval, early modern cultures. Compares cultural stories worldwide, from early writing to French Revolution. Includes Gilgamesh, Aztec myths, Roland, <i>Tale of Genji,</i> Scandinavian tales, Shakespeare's <i>Tempest,</i> Blake's poetry. Introduces skills for reading narratives by genre, theme, poetics. Texts are in English, with attention to texts' original languages.
Subject: Comparative Literature
Prerequisite: 60 points passed