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Showing 25 course outlines from 3985 matches



: Modern Writing and Critical Thinking
2025 Semester One (1253)
Reading modern works that overtly blend critical and creative styles, the course examines relations among discourses, criticality, and imagination.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in Drama or English
Restriction: ENGLISH 223


: Modern Writing and Critical Thinking
2024 Semester One (1243)
Reading modern works that overtly blend critical and creative styles, the course examines relations among discourses, criticality, and imagination.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English, Drama, and/or Writing Studies
Restriction: ENGLISH 223


: Modern Writing and Critical Thinking
2022 Semester One (1223)
Reading modern works that overtly blend critical and creative styles, the course examines relations among discourses, criticality, and imagination.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English, Drama, and/or Writing Studies
Restriction: ENGLISH 223


: Tolkien and his Worlds
2022 Summer School (1220)
Examines Tolkien's primary fictional texts, <i>The Hobbit</i> and <i>The Lord of the Rings</i> trilogy, in relation to the author's ideas about fantasy and world-building, his use of Celtic, German and Christian mythology, and the adaptation of the novels into film.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 60 points passed
Restriction: ENGLISH 256


: Shakespeare: Comedies and Tragicomedies
2023 Semester Two (1235)
A study of selected comedies and tragicomedies of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Works of Shakespeare may include the romantic comedies of his first decade and a half as a playwright, the so-called 'problem plays', the darker comedies of his middle years, and the tragicomedies of his final years, sometimes called 'romances'. The nature of comedy and its relationship to tragedy is also explored.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English or Drama
Restriction: ENGLISH 265


: Shakespeare: Comedies and Tragicomedies
2021 Semester Two (1215)
A study of selected comedies and tragicomedies of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Works of Shakespeare may include the romantic comedies of his first decade and a half as a playwright, the so-called 'problem plays', the darker comedies of his middle years, and the tragicomedies of his final years, sometimes called 'romances'. The nature of comedy and its relationship to tragedy is also explored.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English or Drama
Restriction: ENGLISH 265


: Shakespeare: Comedies and Tragicomedies
2021 Summer School (1210)
A study of selected comedies and tragicomedies of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Works of Shakespeare may include the romantic comedies of his first decade and a half as a playwright, the so-called 'problem plays', the darker comedies of his middle years, and the tragicomedies of his final years, sometimes called 'romances'. The nature of comedy and its relationship to tragedy is also explored.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English or Drama
Restriction: ENGLISH 265


: Shakespeare: Comedies and Tragicomedies
2020 Summer School (1200)
A study of selected comedies and tragicomedies of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Works of Shakespeare may include the romantic comedies of his first decade and a half as a playwright, the so-called 'problem plays', the darker comedies of his middle years, and the tragicomedies of his final years, sometimes called 'romances'. The nature of comedy and its relationship to tragedy is also explored.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English or Drama
Restriction: ENGLISH 265


: Creating Stories
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Explores narrative theory and analysis through major stories from the literature and art of the last six centuries, from Shakespeare’s sources to now; from at least four continents; and including short story, drama, “classic” and modern novels, verse, children’s picture story, narrative painting, comics, film and music video. Investigates universal, human, local, individual, work and intra-work levels of analysis.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 60 points at Stage II from the BA Schedule
Restriction: ENGLISH 111, 207


: From Romantics to Victorians
2020 Semester Two (1205)
An exploration of some key preoccupations of nineteenth-century literature: identity and the psyche, and the self’s engagement with the other. Both topics will be considered against a changing social context which influenced religious beliefs and constructions of gender in particular. Covers poetry and prose from the 1790s to the 1880s.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English


: Modernist Transformations
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Takes transformation as its theme, focuses on a selection of influential Modernist works that map out some of the possibilities for the avant-garde in the early twentieth century. Students will expand their knowledge of modernism as a multimedia, multicultural phenomenon and exert their imaginations and research skills as they consider its relevance to contemporary cultural production.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 206, 216, 222


: Modernist Transformations
2022 Semester One (1223)
Takes transformation as its theme, focuses on a selection of influential Modernist works that map out some of the possibilities for the avant-garde in the early 20th century. Students will expand their knowledge of modernism as a multimedia, multicultural phenomenon and exert their imaginations and research skills as they consider its relevance to contemporary cultural production.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage I in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 206, 216, 222


: Creative Writing: Four Genres
2025 Semester One (1253)
Develops practical skills in four writing genres: Poetry, Multimedia, Creative Non-Fiction and Short Fiction. A range of published models will be studied alongside write and workshop exercises and students will develop close-reading skills. Two portfolios of creative work cover all four genres, based on work begun in seminars.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 60 points passed, including 45 points in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 252


: Creative Writing: Four Genres
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Develops practical skills in four writing genres: Poetry, Multimedia, Creative Non-Fiction and Short Fiction. A range of published models will be studied alongside write and workshop exercises and students will develop close-reading skills. Two portfolios of creative work cover all four genres, based on work begun in seminars.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 60 points passed, including 45 points in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 252


: Creative Writing: Four Genres
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Develops practical skills in four writing genres: Poetry, Multimedia, Creative Non-Fiction and Short Fiction. A range of published models will be studied alongside write and workshop exercises and students will develop close-reading skills. Two portfolios of creative work cover all four genres, based on work begun in seminars.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 60 points passed, including 45 points in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 252


: Creative Writing: Four Genres
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Develops practical skills in four writing genres: Poetry, Multimedia, Creative Non-Fiction and Short Fiction. A range of published models will be studied alongside write and workshop exercises and students will develop close-reading skills. Two portfolios of creative work cover all four genres, based on work begun in seminars.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 60 points passed, including 45 points in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 252


: Literary Theory and Critical Practice
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Examines the concerns and methods of contemporary criticism through a selection of key concepts central to the study of literature. We explore the history of these concepts, the theoretical issues they raise, and the reading strategies they permit. The emphasis is on literary theory as a resource that opens out possibilities for critical practice.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 229, 230


: Early Texts, Modern Inventions
2024 Semester One (1243)
A study of key works and contexts of selected medieval and early modern writers, including Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, and Behn. Offers a compact history of literary engagements with important social issues that arose in a period notable for revolution and reform; also develops knowledge of literary forms and trends that are historically important, but, in this period, relatively new.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 214, 351


: Early Texts, Modern Inventions
2023 Semester One (1233)
A study of key works and contexts of selected medieval and early modern writers, including Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, and Behn. Offers a compact history of literary engagements with important social issues that arose in a period notable for revolution and reform; also develops knowledge of literary forms and trends that are historically important, but, in this period, relatively new.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 214, 351


: Early Texts, Modern Inventions
2022 Semester One (1223)
A study of key works and contexts of selected medieval and early modern writers, including Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, and Behn. Offers a compact history of literary engagements with important social issues that arose in a period notable for revolution and reform; also develops knowledge of literary forms and trends that are historically important, but, in this period, relatively new.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English
Restriction: ENGLISH 214, 351


: Arthurian Literature
2025 Semester One (1253)
The Arthurian story, from its first passage into French in the twelfth century. The English writings are studied in comparison with their French sources and counterparts (in translation).
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English or FRENCH 200
Restriction: ENGLISH 738, 746


: Arthurian Literature
2023 Semester One (1233)
The Arthurian story, from its first passage into French in the twelfth century. The English writings are studied in comparison with their French sources and counterparts (in translation).
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English or FRENCH 200
Restriction: ENGLISH 738, 746


: Arthurian Literature
2021 Semester One (1213)
The Arthurian story, from its first passage into French in the twelfth century. The English writings are studied in comparison with their French sources and counterparts (in translation).
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English or FRENCH 200
Restriction: ENGLISH 738, 746


: Writing Poetry
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Students will be guided through poetry and poetics and the writing of poetry. As part of the course requirement, they will submit a portfolio of poems.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English, Drama, Writing Studies and Programme Coordinator approval
Restriction: ENGLISH 328


: Writing Poetry
2020 Semester One (1203)
Students will be guided through poetry and poetics and the writing of poetry. As part of the course requirement, they will submit a portfolio of poems.
Subject: English
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage II in English, Drama, Writing Studies and Programme Coordinator approval
Restriction: ENGLISH 328