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Showing 25 course outlines from 3703 matches



: Biogeography
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Examines the patterns of animal and plant distribution, and the processes that influence these patterns. Topics covered include equilibrium theory, island succession, vicariance and dispersal, insular speciation, and human migration and colonisation. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 395 or equivalent is assumed.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Terrestrial Plant Ecology
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Plants form the autotrophic basis of terrestrial food chains and their distribution, diversity and abundance is a critical determinant of ecosystem functioning. Topics covered include both plant population ecology – including population growth and structure, seed and seedling dynamics, and life history strategies – and community ecology – including vegetation structure, dynamics, and species interactions. Methods to survey, analyse, and model plant populations and communities will also be discussed.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Terrestrial Plant Ecology
2022 Semester One (1223)
Plants form the autotrophic basis of terrestrial food chains and their distribution, diversity and abundance is a critical determinant of ecosystem functioning. Topics covered include both plant population ecology – including population growth and structure, seed and seedling dynamics, and life history strategies – and community ecology – including vegetation structure, dynamics, and species interactions. Methods to survey, analyse, and model plant populations and communities will also be discussed.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: High Resolution Imaging of Biological Molecules
2020 Semester One (1203)
X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy are two of the principal techniques used by biologists to determine molecular structure. The theory and practice of X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy, including a laboratory component where 3D structure are determined from experimental data, are addressed. Accessible to students with a variety of backgrounds, including Biology, Bioengineering, Chemistry and Physics. This course complements CHEM 738 and BIOSCI 757.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

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: Dialogues in Biology
2020 Semester One (1203)
Cross-disciplinary issues in biology will be debated and explored. Topics may include: ethical and commercial issues underpinning science; scientific publishing and advocacy; medical and agricultural biotechnology; animal and environmental ethics, conservation and biodiversity, the history and philosophy of science.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
2020 Semester One (1203)
Historical overview of the development of industrial microbiology. Diversity and complexity of applications. Biodiversity of fermentations. Microbial metabolism and the assimilation of carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur. Interconnections between catabolic and biosynthetic pathways. Metabolic considerations in continuous culture. Selection, isolation and construction of useful organisms. Manipulation of growth conditions to optimise process yield. Contemporary examples of industrial processes using microbes. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 348 or equivalent is assumed.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: The Molecular Machinery of The Cell
2024 Semester Two (1245)
The experimental investigation and modelling of protein behaviour at the molecular level, in order to explain cellular biology and facilitate protein engineering. Topics addressed may include binding, transport, catalysis, chemical modification, and dynamics. A sound understanding of BIOSCI 350 or equivalent is assumed.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Plant-microbial Interactions
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Addresses selected topics in plant microbial interactions. Modern research on issues relating to plant pathogens and biosecurity, plant disease spread (epidemiology) and plant-microbial interactions (both pathogenic and mutualistic) will be investigated and discussed. A basic understanding of microbiology and molecular biology is assumed.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Molecular Cell Biology and Biomedicine
2020 Semester One (1203)
Explores recent advances in cell biology that have led to a greater understanding of a variety of cellular processes at the molecular level. Emphasis will be placed on biochemical and genetic approaches to understand disease mechanisms at the cellular level. A sound understanding of either BIOSCI 349 or 353 or MEDSCI 314 or equivalent is assumed.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

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: Research Practice
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Students will complete an advanced literature review to produce a research output that applies their knowledge to a novel context or application. Students will develop skills to synthesise and communicate their research output including the significance, potential limitations and context within the wider discipline to an academic audience using both written and verbal platforms.
Subject: Biological Sciences
Restriction: BIOSCI 762, ENVSCI 701, MEDSCI 701

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: Thesis Proposal
2023 Semester Two (1235)
An extensive review of background material associated with the thesis topic, and a detailed outline of the proposed research and its significance. Students will also be required to present an overview of the proposal in a seminar.
Subject: Biological Sciences
Restriction: BIOSCI 762, ENVSCI 701, MEDSCI 701

Outline is not available yet



: Human Virology
2023 Semester One (1233)
The COVID-19 pandemic was a global health crisis without parallel in the modern era and has evoked an unprecedented scientific response. Explores aspects of virus biology to illustrate principles of emergence, transmission and disease caused by viruses with pandemic potential and discusses how emerging pandemics can reshape our ability to respond to future viral threats with pandemic potential.
Subject: Biological Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet


CHEM 100

: Molecules that Changed the World
2021 Summer School (1210)
The impact of chemistry on the modern world will be explored by focusing on the stories of specific molecules, including penicillin, DDT and nylon. Their discovery, the underlying chemical principles that explain their behaviour, their impact on our lives including social and scientific issues that arise from their use, and their likely impact on the future will be investigated. No formal prerequisite, but the course assumes a science background at Year 11 or higher.
Subject: Chemistry
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Molecules that Changed the World
2024 Summer School (1240)
The impact of chemistry on the modern world will be explored by focusing on the stories of specific molecules, including penicillin, DDT and nylon. Their discovery, the underlying chemical principles that explain their behaviour, their impact on our lives including social and scientific issues that arise from their use, and their likely impact on the future will be investigated. No formal prerequisite, but the course assumes a science background at Year 11 or higher.
Subject: Chemistry
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Molecules that Changed the World
2023 Summer School (1230)
The impact of chemistry on the modern world will be explored by focusing on the stories of specific molecules, including penicillin, DDT and nylon. Their discovery, the underlying chemical principles that explain their behaviour, their impact on our lives including social and scientific issues that arise from their use, and their likely impact on the future will be investigated. No formal prerequisite, but the course assumes a science background at Year 11 or higher.
Subject: Chemistry
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Molecules that Changed the World
2022 Summer School (1220)
The impact of chemistry on the modern world will be explored by focusing on the stories of specific molecules, including penicillin, DDT and nylon. Their discovery, the underlying chemical principles that explain their behaviour, their impact on our lives including social and scientific issues that arise from their use, and their likely impact on the future will be investigated. No formal prerequisite, but the course assumes a science background at Year 11 or higher.
Subject: Chemistry
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Molecules that Changed the World
2021 Summer School (1210)
The impact of chemistry on the modern world will be explored by focusing on the stories of specific molecules, including penicillin, DDT and nylon. Their discovery, the underlying chemical principles that explain their behaviour, their impact on our lives including social and scientific issues that arise from their use, and their likely impact on the future will be investigated. No formal prerequisite, but the course assumes a science background at Year 11 or higher.
Subject: Chemistry
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet


CHEM 110

: Chemistry of the Living World
2024 Semester Two (1245)
A foundation for understanding the chemistry of life is laid by exploring the diversity and reactivity of organic compounds. A systematic study of reactivity focuses on the site and mechanism of reaction including application of chemical kinetics. A quantitative study of proton transfer reactions features control of pH of fluids in both living systems and the environment. It is recommended that students with a limited background in chemistry take CHEM 150 prior to CHEM 110.
Subject: Chemistry
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet


CHEM 110

: Chemistry of the Living World
2024 Semester One (1243)
A foundation for understanding the chemistry of life is laid by exploring the diversity and reactivity of organic compounds. A systematic study of reactivity focuses on the site and mechanism of reaction including application of chemical kinetics. A quantitative study of proton transfer reactions features control of pH of fluids in both living systems and the environment. It is recommended that students with a limited background in chemistry take CHEM 150 prior to CHEM 110.
Subject: Chemistry
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet


CHEM 110

: Chemistry of the Living World
2021 Semester Two (1215)
A foundation for understanding the chemistry of life is laid by exploring the diversity and reactivity of organic compounds. A systematic study of reactivity focuses on the site and mechanism of reaction including application of chemical kinetics. A quantitative study of proton transfer reactions features control of pH of fluids in both living systems and the environment. It is recommended that students with a limited background in chemistry take CHEM 150 prior to CHEM 110.
Subject: Chemistry
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet


CHEM 110

: Chemistry of the Living World
2021 Semester One (1213)
A foundation for understanding the chemistry of life is laid by exploring the diversity and reactivity of organic compounds. A systematic study of reactivity focuses on the site and mechanism of reaction including application of chemical kinetics. A quantitative study of proton transfer reactions features control of pH of fluids in both living systems and the environment. It is recommended that students with a limited background in chemistry take CHEM 150 prior to CHEM 110.
Subject: Chemistry
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet


CHEM 150

: Concepts in Chemistry
2022 Summer School (1220)
The fundamentals of chemistry are explored with a view to enhancing understanding of the chemical nature of the world around us and providing a foundation for further study in chemistry. Special attention is paid to familiarisation with the language of chemistry and the chemist's perspective of the properties of matter and its transformations. It is recommended that students with a limited background in chemistry take this course prior to CHEM 110 or CHEM 120.
Subject: Chemistry
Restriction: Cannot be taken at the same time as any other chemistry course, or after any successfully completed chemistry course, other than CHEM 100/CHEM 100G

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CHEM 251

: Structure and Spectroscopy
2021 Semester One (1213)
To study chemicals it is important to understand the stereochemical and electronic properties of molecules. Molecular orbital techniques and the application of approaches based on molecular symmetry and group theory to the understanding of molecular properties, bonding and spectroscopy will be studied. Application of these concepts to spectroscopic characterisation and quantification of materials by various spectroscopic techniques will be discussed.
Subject: Chemistry
Prerequisite: CHEM 120 and 15 points from MATHS 108, 110, 120, 130, 150, 153, PHYSICS 120, 160, STATS 101, 108
Restriction: CHEM 220

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CHEM 251

: Structure and Spectroscopy
2020 Semester One (1203)
To study chemicals it is important to understand the stereochemical and electronic properties of molecules. Molecular orbital techniques and the application of approaches based on molecular symmetry and group theory to the understanding of molecular properties, bonding and spectroscopy will be studied. Application of these concepts to spectroscopic characterisation and quantification of materials by various spectroscopic techniques will be discussed.
Subject: Chemistry
Prerequisite: CHEM 120 and 15 points from MATHS 108, 110, 120, 130, 150, 153, PHYSICS 120, 160, STATS 101, 108
Restriction: CHEM 220

Outline is not available yet


CHEM 254

: Modelling Chemical Processes
2020 Semester Two (1205)
From quantum mechanics to enzyme active sites, statistical analysis to the greenhouse effect, models are essential to our understanding of chemical phenomena. But what makes a good model? How are they developed and tested? After exploring the concept of models and their relationship to the scientific method, students will investigate several currently accepted models used in the chemical sciences.
Subject: Chemistry
Prerequisite: CHEM 110, 120 and 15 points from MATHS 108, 110, 130, 150, PHYSICS 120 To complete this course students must enrol in CHEM 254 A and B, or CHEM 254

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