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Showing 25 course outlines from 3705 matches



: Food Composition and Nutrition
2021 Semester One (1213)
Covers the composition and structure of food. The approach will extend the FOODSCI 100 content from lipids to proteins, carbohydrates and key minor food components. There will be a focus on the molecular structure of the major food components and how they relate to the physical, sensory and nutritional properties of foods.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: 15 points from BIOSCI 106, CHEM 110, FOODSCI 100
Restriction: FOODSCI 201

Outline is not available yet



: Food Preservation
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Food is spoilt by microbiological, chemical, biochemical and physical processes. It is important to understand the mechanism of spoilage caused by each of these processes in order to prevent or minimise such degradation. This course includes fundamental principles covering the preservation and processing of different food products. The principles involved in the development of food safety and HACCP programmes, as well as New Zealand food laws are also covered.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: 15 points from FOODSCI 200, 201, 15 points from MATHS 108, 110
Restriction: FOODSCI 302

Outline is not available yet



: Food Quality Attributes
2024 Semester One (1243)
Attributes that make food attractive, such as colour, flavour, and texture, and how they alter during processing are studied. Texture measurement and methods of studying food structure will be discussed. Lectures will be given on non-destructive testing of food. Recommended preparation: BIOSCI 203
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: FOODSCI 200 or 201

Outline is not available yet



: Food Quality Attributes
2021 Semester One (1213)
Attributes that make food attractive, such as colour, flavour, and texture, and how they alter during processing are studied. Texture measurement and methods of studying food structure will be discussed. Lectures will be given on non-destructive testing of food. Recommended preparation: BIOSCI 203 and 204.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: FOODSCI 200 or 201

Outline is not available yet



: Food Quality Attributes
2020 Semester One (1203)
Attributes that make food attractive, such as colour, flavour, and texture, and how they alter during processing are studied. Texture measurement and methods of studying food structure will be discussed. Lectures will be given on non-destructive testing of food. Recommended preparation: BIOSCI 203 and 204.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: FOODSCI 200 or 201

Outline is not available yet



: Theory of Food Product Design
2021 Semester One (1213)
Examines the science underpinning human sensory perception and food preferences and how this science interfaces with the design and development of food products as well as the fundamental aspects of food product development.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: FOODSCI 100, 200 and STATS 101 or 108
Restriction: FOODSCI 303, 304

Outline is not available yet



: Capstone: Food and Nutrition
2021 Semester One (1213)
Food and Nutrition pathway students will work together in groups to identify and develop a new food product or food system that addresses or responds to a nutritional issue. Students will focus on the interplay between the nutritional aspects of the product or system and the sensory, stability, convenience, cost, regulatory and processing aspects of the product.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: FOODSCI 303 or 310 and a further 30 points at Stage III in Food Science and Nutrition

Outline is not available yet



: Project in Food Science
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Director approval

Outline is not available yet



: Project in Food Science
2020 Semester One (1203)
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Director approval

Outline is not available yet



: Project in Food Science
2020 Summer School (1200)
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Director approval

Outline is not available yet



: Food Safety
2024 Semester One (1243)
An understanding of the changing regulations that apply to the New Zealand food industry is of paramount importance. Pathogen awareness and control from an industry perspective are examined. HACCP and risk management plans will be generated.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Food Science
2024 Semester Two (1245)
The functions and properties of food additives. Food attributes including colour, flavour and texture. Enzymic and non-enzymic browning. Emulsions and foams. Introduction to the Food Regulations. Interaction of macromolecules.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Food Science
2021 Semester Two (1215)
The functions and properties of food additives. Food attributes including colour, flavour and texture. Enzymic and non-enzymic browning. Emulsions and foams. Introduction to the Food Regulations. Interaction of macromolecules.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

Outline is not available yet



: Selected Topics in Food Science and Technology
2020 Semester One (1203)
Modules will be organised by the staff and invited lecturers. Topics offered will usually be based on the specialist interests of the lecturers, although controversial issues may be included (for example, genetically modified food, irradiated food). Students may be required to participate actively by contributing seminars. Topics may vary from year to year.
Subject: Food Science
To complete this course students must enrol in FOODSCI 709 A and B, or FOODSCI 709

Outline is not available yet



: Selected Topics in Food Science and Technology
2022 Semester One (1223)
Modules will be organised by the staff and invited lecturers. Topics offered will usually be based on the specialist interests of the lecturers, although controversial issues may be included (for example, genetically modified food, irradiated food). Students may be required to participate actively by contributing seminars. Topics may vary from year to year.
Subject: Food Science
To complete this course students must enrol in FOODSCI 709 A and B, or FOODSCI 709


: Selected Topics in Food Science and Technology
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Modules will be organised by the staff and invited lecturers. Topics offered will usually be based on the specialist interests of the lecturers, although controversial issues may be included (for example, genetically modified food, irradiated food). Students may be required to participate actively by contributing seminars. Topics may vary from year to year.
Subject: Food Science
To complete this course students must enrol in FOODSCI 709 A and B, or FOODSCI 709


: Selected Topics in Food Science and Technology
2021 Semester One (1213)
Modules will be organised by the staff and invited lecturers. Topics offered will usually be based on the specialist interests of the lecturers, although controversial issues may be included (for example, genetically modified food, irradiated food). Students may be required to participate actively by contributing seminars. Topics may vary from year to year.
Subject: Food Science
To complete this course students must enrol in FOODSCI 709 A and B, or FOODSCI 709


: Selected Topics in Food Science and Technology
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Modules will be organised by the staff and invited lecturers. Topics offered will usually be based on the specialist interests of the lecturers, although controversial issues may be included (for example, genetically modified food, irradiated food). Students may be required to participate actively by contributing seminars. Topics may vary from year to year.
Subject: Food Science
To complete this course students must enrol in FOODSCI 709 A and B, or FOODSCI 709

Outline is not available yet



: Research Proposal
2024 Semester Two (1245)
A review of the literature and research methods associated with a selected research topic assigned to an individual student. This will be at internationally recognised academic standards and demonstrate a capacity for independent thinking. It will include a consideration of the project from a Vision Mātauranga perspective.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

Outline is not available yet



: Research Proposal
2024 Semester One (1243)
A review of the literature and research methods associated with a selected research topic assigned to an individual student. This will be at internationally recognised academic standards and demonstrate a capacity for independent thinking. It will include a consideration of the project from a Vision Mātauranga perspective.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

Outline is not available yet



: Research Proposal
2023 Semester Two (1235)
A review of the literature and research methods associated with a selected research topic assigned to an individual student. This will be at internationally recognised academic standards and demonstrate a capacity for independent thinking. It will include a consideration of the project from a Vision Mātauranga perspective.
Subject: Food Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Research Proposal
2023 Semester One (1233)
A review of the literature and research methods associated with a selected research topic assigned to an individual student. This will be at internationally recognised academic standards and demonstrate a capacity for independent thinking. It will include a consideration of the project from a Vision Mātauranga perspective.
Subject: Food Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Fundamental Concepts in Forensic Science
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Ethics and quality assurance in forensic science. Principles of criminal law, principles of evidence and procedure, expert evidence, interpretation of scientific evidence, probability and statistics. Forensic pathology, psychology and psychiatry.
Subject: Forensic Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

Outline is not available yet



: Fundamental Concepts in Forensic Science
2020 Semester One (1203)
Ethics and quality assurance in forensic science. Principles of criminal law, principles of evidence and procedure, expert evidence, interpretation of scientific evidence, probability and statistics. Forensic pathology, psychology and psychiatry.
Subject: Forensic Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

Outline is not available yet



: Introduction to Forensic Science
2021 Semester One (1213)
Forensic biology, documents, fingerprints, physical evidence, toolmarks, fire examination, explosives, hairs and fibres, drugs, toxicology, alcohol (including blood and breath alcohol), crime scene examination, firearms identification.
Subject: Forensic Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

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