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Showing 3 course outlines from 3703 matches



: Topics in Wine Science
2021 Semester One (1213)
A number of advanced or special topics in wine science. This course may not be offered every year; further information may be obtained from the School of Chemical Sciences.
Subject: Wine Science
To complete this course students must enrol in WINESCI 707 A and B, or WINESCI 707

Outline is not available yet



: Topics in Wine Science
2020 Semester Two (1205)
A number of advanced or special topics in wine science. This course may not be offered every year; further information may be obtained from the School of Chemical Sciences.
Subject: Wine Science
To complete this course students must enrol in WINESCI 707 A and B, or WINESCI 707

Outline is not available yet



: Post-fermentation Processes in Winemaking
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Covers the theory and practice of fining, filtration and other methods of wine clarification. Chemical and sensory effects of barrel and tank aging of red and white wine will be covered as well as blending decisions and stabilisation. Quality control methods used during processing, aging and packaging will also be addressed.
Subject: Wine Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet