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Showing 25 course outlines from 4480 matches



: Programming with Web Technologies
2022 Academic Year Term (1221)
An examination of developing web-based applications. Client-side technologies: HTML, CSS and Javascript. Server-side technologies to support dynamic Web pages and data access. Fundamental relational database concepts and design techniques. Principles of Web-application design. HCI considerations and mobile clients. Students will build a Web-based application that dynamically generates content involving relational database access.
Subject: Computer Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Programming with Web Technologies
2020 Late Year Term (1207)
An examination of developing web-based applications. Client-side technologies: HTML, CSS and Javascript. Server-side technologies to support dynamic Web pages and data access. Fundamental relational database concepts and design techniques. Principles of Web-application design. HCI considerations and mobile clients. Students will build a Web-based application that dynamically generates content involving relational database access.
Subject: Computer Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Programming with Web Technologies
2020 Semester One (1203)
An examination of developing web-based applications. Client-side technologies: HTML, CSS and Javascript. Server-side technologies to support dynamic Web pages and data access. Fundamental relational database concepts and design techniques. Principles of Web-application design. HCI considerations and mobile clients. Students will build a Web-based application that dynamically generates content involving relational database access.
Subject: Computer Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Design and Analysis of Algorithms
2020 Semester One (1203)
Selected advanced topics in design and analysis of algorithms, such as: combinatorial enumeration algorithms; advanced graph algorithms; analytic and probabilistic methods in the analysis of algorithms; randomised algorithms; methods for attacking NP-hard problems. Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 320 and a B- or higher in COMPSCI 220
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Departmental approval

Outline is not available yet



: Usable Security and Privacy Engineering
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Data security: confidentiality, integrity, availability. System security: prohibitions, permissions, obligations, exemptions. The gold standard of dynamic security: authentication, audit, authorisation. Governance: specification, implementation, assurance. Three-layer defence: prevention, detection, response. Control modalities: architectural, economic, legal, normative. System-centric analyses: attacks, threats, vulnerabilities, information flows. Owner-centric analyses: functionality, security, trust, distrust. Data-centric analyses. Security techniques: encryption, obfuscation, tamper resistance. System designs. Recommended preparation: 30 points from COMPSCI 313, 314, 320, 335, 340, 351, 702, 734, 742.
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: System Security
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Data security: confidentiality, integrity, availability. System security: prohibitions, permissions, obligations, exemptions. The gold standard of dynamic security: authentication, audit, authorisation. Governance: specification, implementation, assurance. Three-layer defence: prevention, detection, response. Control modalities: architectural, economic, legal, normative. System-centric analyses: attacks, threats, vulnerabilities, information flows. Owner-centric analyses: functionality, security, trust, distrust. Data-centric analyses. Security techniques: encryption, obfuscation, tamper resistance. System designs. Recommended preparation: 30 points from COMPSCI 313, 314, 320, 335, 340, 351, 702, 734, 742.
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: System Security
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Data security: confidentiality, integrity, availability. System security: prohibitions, permissions, obligations, exemptions. The gold standard of dynamic security: authentication, audit, authorisation. Governance: specification, implementation, assurance. Three-layer defence: prevention, detection, response. Control modalities: architectural, economic, legal, normative. System-centric analyses: attacks, threats, vulnerabilities, information flows. Owner-centric analyses: functionality, security, trust, distrust. Data-centric analyses. Security techniques: encryption, obfuscation, tamper resistance. System designs. Recommended preparation: 30 points from COMPSCI 313, 314, 320, 335, 340, 351, 702, 734, 742.
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Network Defence and Countermeasures
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Focuses on the use and deployment of protective systems used in securing internal and external networks. Examines in detail the widely used protocols including SSL, IPSec, DNSSEC as well as covers infrastructure platform protocols including wireless security (IEEE 802.11). Explores current research and developments in the area of network defence and countermeasures. Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 314, 315
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Cryptographic Management
2023 Semester One (1233)
Focuses on cryptographic systems used in securing communications and data storage. Provides an overview of encryption algorithms including symmetric key cryptography, public key infrastructure, digital signatures and certificate technologies. The course covers management issues related to cryptography and explores current research and developments in this area. Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 210 or MATHS 120
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Cryptographic Management
2022 Semester One (1223)
Focuses on cryptographic systems used in securing communications and data storage. Provides an overview of encryption algorithms including symmetric key cryptography, public key infrastructure, digital signatures and certificate technologies. The course covers management issues related to cryptography and explores current research and developments in this area. Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 210 or MATHS 120
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Cryptographic Management
2021 Semester One (1213)
Focuses on cryptographic systems used in securing communications and data storage. Provides an overview of encryption algorithms including symmetric key cryptography, public key infrastructure, digital signatures and certificate technologies. The course covers management issues related to cryptography and explores current research and developments in this area. Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 210 or MATHS 120
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Cryptographic Management
2020 Semester One (1203)
Focuses on cryptographic systems used in securing communications and data storage. Provides an overview of encryption algorithms including symmetric key cryptography, public key infrastructure, digital signatures and certificate technologies. The course covers management issues related to cryptography and explores current research and developments in this area. Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 210 or MATHS 120
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Internet: Global Data Communications
2025 Semester Two (1255)
The course covers wide area networks, global routing, network and protocol performance, buffering and queuing, advanced network measurement, network application performance, content networks, and advanced networking concepts. Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 314 or 315
Subject: Computer Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Computing Education
2020 Semester One (1203)
An overview of topics related to the use of technology in education and how people learn computer science concepts. Topics include research methodologies used in computer science education, how novices learn to program, and how technology can engage students in active learning, facilitate collaboration and enhance traditional educational practice. Recommended preparation: 30 points at Stage III in Computer Science
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Topics in Database Systems
2020 Semester One (1203)
Database principles. Relational model, relational algebra, relational calculus, SQL, SQL and programming languages, entity-relationship model, normalisation, query processing and query optimisation, ACID transactions, transaction isolation levels, database recovery, database security, databases and XML. Research frontiers in database systems. Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 220, 225.
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee
Restriction: COMPSCI 351, SOFTENG 351

Outline is not available yet



: Interactive Cognitive Systems
2020 Semester One (1203)
Many aspects of intelligence involve interacting with other agents. This suggests that a computational account of the mind should include formalisms for representing models of others' mental states, mechanisms for reasoning about them, and techniques for altering them. This course will examine the role of knowledge and search in these contexts, covering topics such as collaborative problem solving, dialogue processing, social cognition, emotion, moral cognition, and personality, as well as their application to synthetic characters and human-robot interaction.
Subject: Computer Science
Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 367 Prerequisite: Approval of the Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Intelligent Vision Systems
2020 Semester One (1203)
Computational methods and techniques for computer vision are applied to real-world problems such as 2/3D face biometrics, autonomous navigation, and vision-guided robotics based on 3D scene description. A particular feature of the course work is the emphasis on complete system design. Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 373 and 15 points at Stage II in Mathematics.
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of Academic Head or nominee

Outline is not available yet



: Postgraduate Project in Computer Science 1
2020 Semester One (1203)
Subject: Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of Academic Head or nominee
Restriction: COMPSCI 691 To complete this course students must enrol in COMPSCI 780 A and B, or COMPSCI 780

Outline is not available yet



: Research Project
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Subject: Computer Science
To complete this course students must enrol in COMPSCI 791 A and B, or COMPSCI 791

Outline is not available yet



: Dissertation
2021 Semester One (1213)
Subject: Data Science
To complete this course students must enrol in DATASCI 792 A and B, or DATASCI 792


: Dissertation
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Subject: Data Science
To complete this course students must enrol in DATASCI 792 A and B, or DATASCI 792


: Natural Hazards in New Zealand
2020 Semester Two (1205)
New Zealanders are exposed to extreme natural events and processes including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, weather bombs, storm surge, tsunami, flooding, landslides and erosion. The physical context for each hazard is provided, drawing on the disciplines of geology, geomorphology and climatology. The frequency and magnitude of natural hazards for New Zealand are considered using different sources. Impacts on modern society are discussed using case studies and scenario modelling.
Subject: Earth Sciences
Restriction: GEOG 105, 105G, GEOLOGY 110

Outline is not available yet



: Natural Hazards in New Zealand
2020 Semester One (1203)
New Zealanders are exposed to extreme natural events and processes including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, weather bombs, storm surge, tsunami, flooding, landslides and erosion. The physical context for each hazard is provided, drawing on the disciplines of geology, geomorphology and climatology. The frequency and magnitude of natural hazards for New Zealand are considered using different sources. Impacts on modern society are discussed using case studies and scenario modelling.
Subject: Earth Sciences
Restriction: GEOG 105, 105G, GEOLOGY 110

Outline is not available yet



: Earth’s Natural Hazards
2025 Semester Two (1255)
New Zealand experiences many natural hazards caused by the Earth’s natural processes through earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, weather bombs, storm surge, tsunami, flooding and wildfires. Focuses on spatial and temporal occurrences of disasters, hazard preparedness and recovery, and societal responses that affect and, sometimes, compound the magnitude of disasters. Case studies are drawn from contemporary and ancient societies.
Subject: Earth Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Earth’s Natural Hazards
2025 Semester One (1253)
New Zealand experiences many natural hazards caused by the Earth’s natural processes through earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, weather bombs, storm surge, tsunami, flooding and wildfires. Focuses on spatial and temporal occurrences of disasters, hazard preparedness and recovery, and societal responses that affect and, sometimes, compound the magnitude of disasters. Case studies are drawn from contemporary and ancient societies.
Subject: Earth Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions