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Showing 25 course outlines from 4480 matches



: Research and Discovery
2022 Semester Two (1225)
An exploration of scientific research skills and communication. Students will develop an understanding of the impact of culture on scientific discovery, the skills to develop and document a research proposal, and how to communicate scientific work in an area of choice.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 202 A and B, or SCISCHOL 202


: Research and Discovery
2021 Semester Two (1215)
An exploration of scientific research skills and communication. Students will develop an understanding of the impact of culture on scientific discovery, the skills to develop and document a research proposal, and how to communicate scientific work in an area of choice.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 202 A and B, or SCISCHOL 202


: Advanced Science and Innovation
2025 Semester One (1253)
Explores the role of science in relation to the New Zealand and global economy and discusses issues including ownership, exploitation and stewardship of resources, indigenous science, biodiversity and National Science Challenges. Students will also explore the position of science nationally and globally and current scientific debates.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Science and Innovation
2024 Semester One (1243)
Explores the role of science in relation to the New Zealand and global economy and discusses issues including ownership, exploitation and stewardship of resources, indigenous science, biodiversity and National Science Challenges. Students will also explore the position of science nationally and globally and current scientific debates.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Science and Innovation
2020 Semester One (1203)
Explores the role of science in relation to the New Zealand and global economy and discusses issues including ownership, exploitation and stewardship of resources, indigenous science, biodiversity and National Science Challenges. Students will also explore the position of science nationally and globally and current scientific debates.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval

Outline is not available yet



: Science Scholars Project
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Building on the research proposal developed in SCISCHOL 202, students will respond to a research question requiring data collection, analysis and interpretation, discussion and presentation of project outcomes.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 302 A and B, or SCISCHOL 302

Outline is not available yet



: Science Scholars Project
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Building on the research proposal developed in SCISCHOL 202, students will respond to a research question requiring data collection, analysis and interpretation, discussion and presentation of project outcomes.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 302 A and B, or SCISCHOL 302

Outline is not available yet



: Science Scholars Project
2024 Semester One (1243)
Building on the research proposal developed in SCISCHOL 202, students will respond to a research question requiring data collection, analysis and interpretation, discussion and presentation of project outcomes.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 302 A and B, or SCISCHOL 302

Outline is not available yet



: Science Scholars Project
2022 Semester One (1223)
Building on the research proposal developed in SCISCHOL 202, students will respond to a research question requiring data collection, analysis and interpretation, discussion and presentation of project outcomes.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 302 A and B, or SCISCHOL 302

Outline is not available yet



: Science Scholars Project
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Building on the research proposal developed in SCISCHOL 202, students will respond to a research question requiring data collection, analysis and interpretation, discussion and presentation of project outcomes.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 302 A and B, or SCISCHOL 302


: Science Scholars Project
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Building on the research proposal developed in SCISCHOL 202, students will respond to a research question requiring data collection, analysis and interpretation, discussion and presentation of project outcomes.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 302 A and B, or SCISCHOL 302

Outline is not available yet



: Science Scholars Project
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Building on the research proposal developed in SCISCHOL 202, students will respond to a research question requiring data collection, analysis and interpretation, discussion and presentation of project outcomes.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 302 A and B, or SCISCHOL 302


: Science Scholars Project
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Building on the research proposal developed in SCISCHOL 202, students will respond to a research question requiring data collection, analysis and interpretation, discussion and presentation of project outcomes.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 302 A and B, or SCISCHOL 302

Outline is not available yet



: Science Scholars Project
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Building on the research proposal developed in SCISCHOL 202, students will respond to a research question requiring data collection, analysis and interpretation, discussion and presentation of project outcomes.
Subject: Science Scholars
Prerequisite: Programme Director approval To complete this course students must enrol in SCISCHOL 302 A and B, or SCISCHOL 302


: Dysphagia for Speech Language Therapists
2020 Semester One (1203)
Assessment, analysis and intervention for children and adults with dysphagia. This is a fully online course for qualified Speech-language Therapists.
Subject: Speech Science
Restriction: SPCHSCI 721

Outline is not available yet



: Anatomy and Physiology for Speech Language Therapy
2021 Semester One (1213)
Anatomy and physiology of speech, language and hearing, including the respiratory, phonatory, articulatory, auditory and peripheral and central nervous systems underlying spoken communication. Application of this knowledge is through manipulation of human models and supported computer laboratories.
Subject: Speech Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Speech Language Therapy Clinical Practicum 1
2024 Semester One (1243)
Clinical observation under supervisor guidance in a variety of settings, establishing links between theory and practice. This course is supported by weekly tutorial sessions.
Subject: Speech Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Speech Language Therapy Clinical Practicum 1
2021 Semester One (1213)
Clinical observation under supervisor guidance in a variety of settings, establishing links between theory and practice. This course is supported by weekly tutorial sessions.
Subject: Speech Science
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Communication Difficulties in Children
2020 Semester Two (1205)
The nature of speech and language delay and disorder in children. Introduces a range of disorders focussing on: general language impairment, specific language impairment (SLI) and phonological disorders in children through pre-school and primary school ages, and language disorders in adolescence. Assessment and intervention in phonology, articulation, and all aspects of language, incorporating principles of inclusion and diversity and evidence-based practices.
Subject: Speech Science
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 711

Outline is not available yet



: Communication Disorders in Adults
2021 Semester Two (1215)
This course examines theoretical, research and clinical issues in the field of acquired neurogenic communication disorders. It builds on existing knowledge and presents the process of assessment, differential diagnosis, intervention procedures and treatment specifically designed for these conditions. Skills are developed in analysing client-specific approaches, therapeutic programmes and incorporating measures of efficacy into therapy plans.
Subject: Speech Science
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 713

Outline is not available yet



: Speech Language Therapy Clinical Practicum 2
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Clinical observation and practice in a variety of settings, enabling students to work with clients under supervision. This course is supported by weekly tutorials.
Subject: Speech Science
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 714

Outline is not available yet



: Speech Language Therapy Clinical Practicum 3
2021 Semester One (1213)
Clinical practice in a variety of settings with students taking responsibility for the assessment and management of cases with supervisor guidance. The management plan and decision-making process for the client and their family are outlined and the project outcomes after analysis are presented, in a substantial report. Weekly tutorials support the course.
Subject: Speech Science
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 724

Outline is not available yet



: Topics in Communication Disorders in Adults
2021 Semester One (1213)
Advanced study of speech-language therapy (SLT) in adult populations including working with Māori, bilingualism, progressive conditions, palliative care, lifelong disability and ageing effects on audition and language. It includes highly specialised theoretical and clinical approaches which underpin the content, with implications for SLT practice in the New Zealand context being the predominant focus. Involves an individual management plan for a client resulting in a substantial individual report.
Subject: Speech Science
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 723
Restriction: SPCHSCI 741

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Study of Speech and Language Therapy in Children
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Develops depth in specific areas of difficulty including language disorders in adolescents, pre-verbal stages, and working with disabilities, particularly intellectual and physical disability and autism spectrum disorder. Develops best practice in cultural and linguistic diversity. Consolidates and extends knowledge of evidence-based practice in child speech and language. Involves individual critical evaluation and synthesis of knowledge and concepts which are then presented in substantial reports.
Subject: Speech Science
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 722
Restriction: SPCHSCI 732

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Study of Speech and Language Therapy in Children
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Develops depth in specific areas of difficulty including language disorders in adolescents, pre-verbal stages, and working with disabilities, particularly intellectual and physical disability and autism spectrum disorder. Develops best practice in cultural and linguistic diversity. Consolidates and extends knowledge of evidence-based practice in child speech and language. Involves individual critical evaluation and synthesis of knowledge and concepts which are then presented in substantial reports.
Subject: Speech Science
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 722
Restriction: SPCHSCI 732

Outline is not available yet