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Showing 25 course outlines from 1579 matches
: Tikanga ā-iwi: He Whakatakinga2024 Semester One (1243)
Develops students' knowledge and skills associated with planning for teaching and learning in tikanga ā iwi. Examines the history, nature and purpose of tikanga ā iwi education. Develops students’ knowledge of curriculum requirements, social inquiry and resources to plan for students' diverse needs. Examines how learning is monitored and assessed. Examines the specific tikanga ā iwi discourse of te reo Māori.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Pāngarau: He Puāwaitanga2024 Semester One (1243)
Develops understanding of pāngarau and pedagogical content knowledge for teaching and learning. Designs quality programmes based on knowledge of dispositions, learning and teaching approaches, resources and curricula, and assessment activities. Uses an increasing repertoire of teaching strategies, approaches, learning activities, technologies and assessment for learning. Communicates using the specific pāngarau education discourse in te reo Māori.
Prerequisite: EDCURRM 108
Restriction: EDCURRM 204
Restriction: EDCURRM 204
: Te Reo Matatini 2: Te Puanga2024 Semester One (1243)
Further develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with planning, teaching and assessing for learners' language proficiency and literacy learning across te Marautanga Māori. Examines a range of pedagogical practices and beliefs, including second language learning theory and pedagogy to improve outcomes for learners.
Prerequisite: EDCURRM 109
Restriction: EDCURRM 202
Restriction: EDCURRM 202
: Teaching Subject Specialism2024 Semester One (1243)
Develops the knowledge and skills required to teach a specific secondary school subject. This includes adapting content knowledge for teaching and developing subject specific pedagogical skills. The course addresses questions such as: What do teachers need to know to teach this subject effectively? What resources and strategies maximise the motivation and learning of diverse learners in this subject?
Restriction: EDCURSEC 601-690
To complete this course students must enrol in EDCURSEC 691 A and B, or EDCURSEC 691
: Design for Learning2024 Semester One (1243)
Develops understanding of the national curriculum document and the structure and content of the Learning Area, including content, pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge required for developing effective learning environments. Develops planning, teaching, and assessment design consistent with national curriculum requirements and with theory and research within the Learning Area. Reflects critically on how responsive pedagogies impact on learning.
Restriction: EDCURSEC 687
To complete this course students must enrol in EDCURSEC 692 A and B, or EDCURSEC 692
: Practicum 12024 Semester One (1243)
Builds relationships and establishes professional communication with ākonga and colleagues. Engages in collaborative teaching and learning. Explores the role of the professional teacher through an inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning.
Prerequisite: 30 points from BEd(Tchg) courses and EDPROFST 102
Restriction: EDPRAC 101
Restriction: EDPRAC 101
: Practicum 22024 Semester One (1243)
Develops professional knowledge, skills and dispositions required for effective teaching and learning through an inquiry-based approach. Engages in noticing, recognising and responding to diverse learners. Practises and reflects on skills necessary to manage complex learning environments.
Prerequisite: EDPRAC 100, EDPROFST 102
Restriction: EDPRAC 201
Restriction: EDPRAC 201
: Practicum 32024 Semester One (1243)
Establishes and sustains culturally responsive, ethical, learner-focused relationships with ākonga, colleagues and whanau in complex environments. Utilises an inquiry-based approach to demonstrate competency in professional knowledge, and the skills and dispositions required for effective teaching in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Prerequisite: EDPROFST 208, EDPRAC 204
Restriction: EDPRAC 305 To complete this course students must enrol in EDPRAC 304 A and B, or EDPRAC 304
Restriction: EDPRAC 305 To complete this course students must enrol in EDPRAC 304 A and B, or EDPRAC 304
: Practicum 32024 Semester One (1243)
Establishes and sustains culturally responsive, ethical, learner-focused relationships with ākonga, colleagues and whanau in complex environments. Utilises an inquiry-based approach to demonstrate competency in professional knowledge, and the skills and dispositions required for effective teaching in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Prerequisite: EDPROFST 208, EDPRAC 204
Restriction: EDPRAC 305 To complete this course students must enrol in EDPRAC 304 A and B, or EDPRAC 304
Restriction: EDPRAC 305 To complete this course students must enrol in EDPRAC 304 A and B, or EDPRAC 304
: Professional Practice: Secondary2024 Semester One (1243)
Uses an evidence-based approach to support students to develop the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for effective secondary teaching in Aotearoa New Zealand, while examining what it means to demonstrate commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Builds professional relationships and enacts practices that sustain culturally responsive, ethical, learner-focused relationships with diverse ākonga, colleagues, and whānau in complex environments.
Restriction: EDPRAC 600, 607, 608, 621, 622
To complete this course students must enrol in EDPRAC 612 A and B, or EDPRAC 612
: Professional Practice 1: Early Childhood Education2024 Semester One (1243)
Uses an evidence-based approach to support students to develop the professional knowledge, skills and dispositions required for effective ECE teaching in Aotearoa New Zealand, while examining what it means to demonstrate commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Ākonga build professional relationships and enact practices that sustain culturally responsive, ethical, learner-focused relationships with diverse ākonga, colleagues and whanau in complex environments.
Restriction: EDPRAC 600, 607, 608, 610, 621, 622
: Professional Practice 1: Primary2024 Semester One (1243)
Uses an evidence-based approach to support students to develop the professional knowledge, skills and dispositions required for effective primary teaching in Aotearoa New Zealand, while examining what it means to demonstrate commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Builds professional relationships and enacts practices that sustain culturally responsive, ethical, learner-focused relationships with diverse ākonga, colleagues and whānau in complex environments.
Restriction: EDPRAC 600, 607, 608, 611, 621, 622
: Noho ā-kura 22024 Semester One (1243)
Develops professional knowledge, skills and dispositions required for effective teaching and learning through an inquiry-based approach. Engages in noticing, recognising and responding to diverse learners informed by or guided by curricula. Practises and reflects on skills necessary to manage complex learning environments. Examines the te reo Māori discourse relevant to the practicum context.
Prerequisite: EDPRACM 100
Restriction: EDPRACM 201
Restriction: EDPRACM 201
: Noho ā-kura 32024 Semester One (1243)
Builds and sustains culturally responsive, ethical, learner-focused relationships with ākonga, colleagues and whānau in complex learning or education environments. Utilises an inquiry-based approach to demonstrate competency in professional knowledge, and the skills and dispositions required for effective teaching in Aotearoa New Zealand. Examines te reo Māori discourses relevant to the practicum context.
Prerequisite: EDPROFM 101, EDPRACM 204
Restriction: EDPRACM 302 To complete this course students must enrol in EDPRACM 304 A and B, or EDPRACM 304
Restriction: EDPRACM 302 To complete this course students must enrol in EDPRACM 304 A and B, or EDPRACM 304
: Advanced Study of Education Practice2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will undertake an advanced study of contemporary issues, innovations, or curriculum and pedagogical advancement relating to educational practice. This will involve independent work demonstrating application of highly specialised knowledge that is at the forefront of contemporary education practice.
Prerequisite: 60 points from the Master of Education Practice Schedule with a GPA of 5.0 or higher
: Language Learning Needs2024 Semester One (1243)
Investigates strategies to identify, analyse and respond to additional language learning needs of learners from early childhood to secondary settings. Acknowledges the role of first/heritage languages and culture, and philosophies of empowerment. Examines pedagogical frameworks for planning effective language and content integrated teaching. Students review, trial and modify tasks and learning sequences for specific teaching contexts.
Restriction: EDPROFST 227, 372
To complete this course students must enrol in EDPROF 705 A and B, or EDPROF 705
: Bilingual Education2024 Semester One (1243)
Examines theories, models, and principles for bilingualism and Bilingual Education, as well as multilingual approaches in English-medium contexts. Investigates and critiques programmes, pedagogical approaches, resources, and strategies for bilingual learners in English-medium, Māori-medium, Pacific bilingual/immersion, early childhood, primary or secondary educational contexts. Students develop policy, curriculum and assessment materials suitable for bilingual learners in a particular educational context.
Restriction: EDPROFST 226, 377
To complete this course students must enrol in EDPROF 707 A and B, or EDPROF 707
: Early Childhood Leadership2024 Semester One (1243)
A practice-focused course that introduces and critiques leadership theory and research in order to examine leadership beliefs and attitudes. Advanced examination of leadership in early childhood education from a range of perspectives. Will develop and strengthen leadership practices to improve outcomes for children, families and whānau.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Language Focused Curriculum2024 Semester One (1243)
Examines Second Language Acquisition/learning processes. Investigates models and principles of course design as they relate to devising language and content programmes. Applies a functional-grammar approach to the context of language learning in the curriculum. Focuses on ways of implementing and sustaining language-focused content teaching in diverse educational settings. Discusses the relationship between culture, power, language, language policy and curriculum.
Prerequisite: EDPROF 705
Restriction: EDPROFST 373, 374 To complete this course students must enrol in EDPROF 722 A and B, or EDPROF 722
Restriction: EDPROFST 373, 374 To complete this course students must enrol in EDPROF 722 A and B, or EDPROF 722
: Developing Communities of Learning2024 Semester One (1243)
Critically examines key theoretical concepts and processes related to networked improvement communities, with a specific focus on optimising their development as drivers of change. Emphasis is on integrating theory and practice, especially concepts of equity and collaborative practices as they relate to solving problems of practice within and across educational settings.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Leading Mathematics Curriculum and Change2024 Semester One (1243)
A critical examination of current issues relating to Mathematics and Statistics education in New Zealand and global contexts. This course explores the research literature to inform problems of practice in the teaching and learning of mathematics and statistics.
Restriction: EDPROFST 787
: Te Ao Māori - Te Kākano2024 Semester One (1243)
Introduces socio-political and historical contexts, including Te Tiriti o Waitangi, to inform understandings about Māori challenges and aspirations within contemporary New Zealand society. Examines own social and cultural locations for their impact on professional and social practices in a range of settings. Develops basic knowledge of te ao Māori including Te Reo me ngā tikanga Māori.
Restriction: EDUCSW 101, EDPROFST 100
: Te Reo Māori 12024 Semester One (1243)
Develops te reo Māori knowledge, skills and attitudes for learning and teaching across marautanga. Addresses issues such as strategies that support personal and professional Māori language development; historical, social and political factors that have impacted on the vitality of te reo Māori; bilingual education and Māori medium education.
Restriction: EDPROFM 109
: Pakirehua Ngaio – Te Ako2024 Semester One (1243)
Addresses key influences on learning and development, building and enhancing understandings of personal experiences and identity. Examines concepts central to learning and development such as self-efficacy and self-concept. Explores key aspects within the teacher’s role with an emphasis on reflection, relationship building, communication and collaboration. Introduces strategies central to the first teaching practicum. Examines te reo Māori discourse appropriate to pakirehua ngaio contexts.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Mātauranga: Te Whakawhanake Hapori Ako2024 Semester One (1243)
Introduces students to selected contemporary perspectives on learning. Explores strategies that develop self-regulated and self-efficacious learners, and support learning, with a focus on Māori learners. Considers rationale and conditions for establishing connections and relationships within a responsive pedagogy alongside factors that contribute to the creation of Māori medium classrooms as effective learning communities.
No pre-requisites or restrictions