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Showing 25 course outlines from 1579 matches
EDUC 776
: Education, Culture and Knowledge2024 Semester One (1243)
An examination of sociological theories concerning the role of culture and knowledge within educational settings. Discusses questions such as: How have globalised forces influenced cultural movements in New Zealand education since the 1970s? How do culture movements influence knowledge production and reproduction, educational policies and professional practices?
Restriction: EDPROFST 776
: Te Reo Māori2024 Semester One (1243)
To complete this course students must attain a level of competency in te reo Māori as determined by the Faculty of Education and Social Work.
To complete this course students must enrol in EDUCM 199 A and B, or EDUCM 199
: Whiria Te Kaha Tūātinitini2024 Semester One (1243)
Critically appraises philosophical perspectives on education to enable students to articulate a developing philosophy and practice of teaching including the relationship between local, national and global politics and inclusive education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Highlights concepts of social justice, equity and diversity and relates these concepts to competing discourses of ability, (dis)ability and inclusion. Examines te reo Māori discourse appropriate to course content.
Prerequisite: EDUCM 203
: Diversity in Aotearoa/New Zealand2024 Semester One (1243)
Explores diversity in Aotearoa New Zealand, focusing on its bicultural history and contemporary public policy. Questions power relations relating to the Treaty of Waitangi and biculturalism, extending to the nation’s increasing ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversities. Critiques intersectionalities of culture, race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic location, sexuality, disability, age and examines policy implications. Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) is a key illustrative setting.
Prerequisite: EDUCSW 101 or EDPROFM 100
Restriction: EDUC 118, SOCWORK 113, 114
Restriction: EDUC 118, SOCWORK 113, 114
: Research and Professional Practice2024 Semester One (1243)
Develops knowledge and understanding of a range of research paradigms and how research informs professional practice. Critically examines the scope and nature of research. Designs a valid, ethical, and appropriate inquiry of a professional practice topic.
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II
Restriction: EDCURRIC 335
Restriction: EDCURRIC 335
: Research Methodologies2024 Semester One (1243)
Students explore two content strands. The first strand focuses on philosophical and theoretical questions about how we use and produce knowledge. The course takes a high-level view of methodological assumptions underlying different research traditions including Māori, Pasifika and other Indigenous research. The second strand focuses on understanding how to collect, interpret and synthesise research information in education and social services.
Restriction: EDPRAC 751, EDPROFST 700, 754, 757, EDUC 735, 787, EDUCSW 701, HIGHED 704, SOCWORK 718
: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering2024 Semester One (1243)
AC and DC circuit analysis in the context of linear electrical and electronic systems. Time and frequency domain approaches to describing and analysing electrical networks and systems.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 101
Restriction: ELECTENG 202
Restriction: ELECTENG 202
: Fields and Waves2024 Semester One (1243)
Transmission lines subjected to AC excitation, the Smith chart, introduction to matching network design and introduction to antennas for radio systems. Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral form, divergence and Stokes’ theorems, skin effect and uniform plane waves (lossless/lossy media, reflection and transmission, polarisation). Case studies in computational electromagnetics.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 204
: Electrical Engineering Design 12024 Semester One (1243)
An appreciation of the design process as applied to electrical and electronic engineering systems. Design skills are enhanced through engineering projects which typically involve modelling, simulation and analogue/digital electronic hardware design. Professional issues introduced in ENGGEN 204, 303 and 403 (ethics, sustainability, cultural awareness, communication, leadership, teamwork, financial awareness, safety in design) and design for repair are reinforced and developed.
Prerequisite: COMPSYS 201, and COMPSYS 209 or ELECTENG 209, and ELECTENG 202 or 291, and COMPSYS 202 or SOFTENG 281
: Research Project2024 Semester One (1243)
Students are required to submit a report on project work carried out on a topic assigned by the Head of Department. The work shall be supervised by a member of staff.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 310, 311, and 30 points from ELECTENG 303, 305, 309, 331, 332
Restriction: ELECTENG 401 To complete this course students must enrol in ELECTENG 700 A and B
Restriction: ELECTENG 401 To complete this course students must enrol in ELECTENG 700 A and B
: Radio Engineering2024 Semester One (1243)
Matching networks, waveguides, transmitter/receiver design, noise, non-linear behaviour, antennas, applications in computational electromagnetics. Fundamentals of radio propagation, tropospheric effects, diffraction, link budgets, point-to-point link design, multipath propagation, introduction to area coverage (mobile radio) systems. Introduction to radar systems, the radio spectrum and exposure standards.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 307
Restriction: ELECTENG 421, 737
Restriction: ELECTENG 421, 737
: Modern Control Systems2024 Semester One (1243)
State space analysis, relationship to transfer function methods, controllability and observability, multivariable plant. Computer simulation. Stability considerations. State variable feedback. Digital control system, design and realisation of digital controllers, adaptive controllers. Nonlinear systems, phase-plane and describing function techniques, Lyapunov's method of stability analysis, design of controllers for non-linear systems. Variable structure systems.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 303 or 331 or 332
Restriction: ELECTENG 422, MECHENG 720, 724
Restriction: ELECTENG 422, MECHENG 720, 724
: Power Systems2024 Semester One (1243)
Builds on the knowledge of three-phase power systems components to understand modelling, formulation and typical analysis carried out by electricity transmission, distribution and generation entities. Load flow, fault, stability and power quality. Supplemented by laboratories where students learn to use professional software to implement the theoretical aspects.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 309
Restriction: ELECTENG 411
Restriction: ELECTENG 411
: Digital Signal Processing2024 Semester One (1243)
Analysis and manipulation of discrete-time signals and systems. Spectral representations and analysis using the z-transform, discrete Fourier transform and fast Fourier transform. Introduction to stochastic processes. Hardware systems for processing digital signals.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 303 or 331 or ENGSCI 311 or 313
Restriction: ELECTENG 413
Restriction: ELECTENG 413
: Power Electronics2024 Semester One (1243)
Selected advanced concepts in power electronics are introduced through a practical and research based individual design project, utilising modern power converter topologies with supporting lectures that include: inductive power transfer and control, DC-DC converter design and control, high frequency magnetics design, semiconductor switches, practical design issues, controlled rectifiers and PWM converters with application to conventional and brushless DC motors.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 305, 310, 311
Restriction: ELECTENG 414
Restriction: ELECTENG 414
: Advanced Radio Engineering2024 Semester One (1243)
Advanced topics in radio system and high frequency electromagnetic design including: Matching networks, waveguides, transmitter/receiver design, noise, non-linear behaviour, antennas, applications in computational electromagnetics. Fundamentals of radio propagation, tropospheric effects, diffraction, link budgets, point-to-point link design, multipath propagation, introduction to area coverage (mobile radio) systems. Introduction to radar systems, the radio spectrum and exposure standards. Students will also undertake an individual research project involving high frequency systems design.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 307
Restriction: ELECTENG 421, 721
Restriction: ELECTENG 421, 721
: Capstone Project2024 Semester One (1243)
Final year team exercise with students in multi-disciplinary roles, with focus on electrical and electronic engineering, integrating technical learning into realistic design outcomes. Comprehensive investigation of an open-ended, complex, real or synthetic computer, electrical and software engineering problem with simulated professional design office constraints. Includes technical, economic and environmental impact components to complete a scheme assessment report.
Prerequisite: 75 points from Part III courses listed in the BE(Hons) Schedule for the Electrical and Electronic Engineering specialisation
: Energy Resources2024 Semester One (1243)
Past, present and likely future uses of various forms of energy focused on electricity generation. Energy resources. Energy economics, prices and markets. Environmental considerations in energy production and use. Climate change, carbon sequestration, carbon trading and carbon taxes.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Energy Technology2024 Semester One (1243)
First and second laws of thermodynamics and thermodynamic cycles. Chemical and biological thermodynamics. Geotechnology for resource exploration and delineation. Engineering technology for production and use of oil and gas, coal, wind, geothermal, tidal, solar, nuclear, bio-fuels. Energy storage, batteries, fuel cells. Energy efficiency.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Software, Data and Intelligent Automation2024 Semester One (1243)
Introduces concepts of intelligent automation, robotic process automation, analytics and artificial intelligence/machine learning. Includes consideration of data privacy and sovereignty, and the ethics of AI. Students will engage in critical analysis of potential intelligent automation applications and solutions, and will build their own software robot through practical laboratory work.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Principles of Engineering Design2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to the principles of design as a fundamental part of engineering practice and a foundation for subsequent design courses. Students are also introduced to essential drawing skills and CAD, and complete group-based design projects. Topics include systems life cycle, design, and introductions to professional issues such as health and safety, ethics, sustainability, cultural diversity, communication, leadership, and teamwork.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Engineering Mechanics2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to planar mechanics including: free body diagrams, planar equilibrium of rigid bodies, friction, distributed forces, internal forces, shear force and bending moment diagrams, kinematics and kinetics of particles, work and energy, relative motion, kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies.
Restriction: CIVIL 210, MECHENG 222
: Fundamentals of Engineering in Society2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to chemistry and biology as applied to solving fundamental engineering problems from first principles using conservation laws and with appropriate consideration for uncertainty. Problems will also be addressed from a social perspective, considering the environment, the Treaty of Waitangi, social license to operate, and the role of professional engineering skills in the community and society.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: English Language Competency2024 Semester One (1243)
To complete this course students must attain a level of competency in the English language as determined by the Faculty of Engineering.
No pre-requisites or restrictions