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Showing 25 course outlines from 1579 matches
: Kaupapa Māori Theory2024 Semester One (1243)
Kaupapa Māori Theory (KMT) underpins a range of approaches employed to ensure policy, research and intervention processes emphasise Māori ways of knowing and being and work to prevent the further marginalisation of Māori. Students learn about the development of KMT and its use in the context of Māori health and development, and will experience and learn from a range of initiatives and projects that have KMT at their core.
Prerequisite: MAORIHTH 301 or 701
Restriction: MAORIHTH 702
Restriction: MAORIHTH 702
: Special Topic: Māori Quantitative Methods2024 Semester One (1243)
Provides students with an understanding of how to apply a Kaupapa Māori Research (KMR) approach to quantitative research methods (study design, analysis and dissemination) in the health sciences. It will expose students to a range of analytic and practical tools that can be drawn on in the design and conduct of quantitative research with Māori.
Prerequisite: MAORIHTH 301 or 701
: The Oceans Around Us2024 Semester One (1243)
A multidisciplinary approach to understanding the importance of our oceans in terms of natural processes and human uses and values. It includes an understanding of the physical and biological processes in the ocean and how they are addressed through ocean management in New Zealand and internationally, allowing informed debate about the future of the ocean realm.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Principles of Marine Science2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to the physical and biological structure of the oceans, sea floor, coastlines and the biological communities that inhabit them. Subject matter includes an overview of the nature and scope of marine science globally and within the New Zealand and Auckland contexts. A wide coverage of marine science issues are presented with an emphasis on multidisciplinary examples.
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage I in BSc courses
: Freshwater and Estuarine Ecology2024 Semester One (1243)
The structure, biodiversity and ecology of lakes, streams, wetlands and estuaries and linkages with near-shore marine habitats. Emphasis is placed on the role of science in monitoring and managing these ecosystems. Case studies include the impact of Auckland’s urban sprawl on stream, estuarine and near-shore marine habitats, and local estuaries as nurseries for fish.
Prerequisite: 15 points from BIOSCI 206, ENVSCI 201, MARINE 202
Restriction: BIOSCI 330
Restriction: BIOSCI 330
: Capstone: Marine Science2024 Semester One (1243)
A capstone course for those enrolled in the Marine Science major, in which students demonstrate mastery of concepts and skills learnt during their degree through the production and presentation of an independent project developed in conjunction with a mentor from the academic staff.
Prerequisite: MARINE 202 and 30 points at Stage III in BSc courses
Restriction: MARINE 304
Restriction: MARINE 304
: Current Issues in Marine Science2024 Semester One (1243)
An exploration of current topics in Marine Science. The topics and material will recognise the wide range of undergraduate experience across participants and emphasise the value of cross-disciplinary approaches to Marine Science.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Field Techniques in Marine Science2024 Semester One (1243)
An advanced course in the development of practical skills in research design, implementation and analysis in Marine Science.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Functioning in Mathematics2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to calculus that builds mathematical skills and develops conceptual thinking. MATHS 102 works as a refresher course for those who haven’t studied Mathematics for some time, a confidence builder for those lacking Mathematical confidence and a preparation course for further study in Mathematics.
Restriction: MATHS 102 may not be taken concurrently with any other Mathematics course, except MATHS 190 and may not be taken after ENGSCI 111 or any Mathematics course at Stage I or above, except MATHS 190/190G
: General Mathematics 12024 Semester One (1243)
A general entry to Mathematics for commerce and the social sciences, following Year 13 Mathematics. Covers selected topics in algebra and calculus and their applications, including: linear functions, linear equations and matrices; functions, equations and inequalities; limits and continuity; differential calculus of one and two variables; integral calculus of one variable.
<i>Prerequisite: MATHS 102 or 110 or at least 13 credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 3 including the Differentiation Standard 91578, or D in CIE A2 Mathematics or C in CIE AS Mathematics or 3 out of 7 in IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (SL or HL)</i>
Restriction: ENGGEN 150, ENGSCI 111, MATHS 120, 130, 208, 250
: Mathematics for Natural Sciences2024 Semester One (1243)
A general entry to Mathematics for the natural sciences, following Year 13 Mathematics. Covers selected topics in algebra and calculus and their application to chemistry, biology and other natural sciences.
<i>Prerequisite: MATHS 102 or 108 or at least 13 credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 3, or D or better in Cambridge A2 Mathematics, C or better in AS Mathematics, pass in IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (SL or HL)</i>
Restriction: ENGGEN 150, ENGSCI 111, MATHS 208, 250. More than 15 points from MATHS 120 and 130
: Algebra2024 Semester One (1243)
A foundation for further mathematics courses, essential for students intending to major in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, or who want a strong mathematical component to their degree. Develops skills and knowledge in linear algebra, together with an introduction to mathematical language and reasoning, including complex numbers, induction and combinatorics. Recommended preparation: Merit or excellence in the Differentiation Standard 91578 at NCEA Level 3.
<i>Prerequisite: MATHS 208, or B- or higher in MATHS 108, or A- or higher in MATHS 110, or A+ in MATHS 102, or at least 18 credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 3 including at least 9 credits at merit or excellence, or B in CIE A2 Mathematics, or 5 out of 7 in IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (SL or HL)</i>
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Calculus2024 Semester One (1243)
A foundation for further mathematics courses, essential for students intending to major in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, or who want a strong mathematical component to their degree. Develops skills and knowledge in calculus of functions of a single variable. Recommended preparation: Merit or excellence in the Differentiation Standard 91578 at NCEA Level 3.
<i>Prerequisite: MATHS 208, or B- or higher in MATHS 108, or A- or higher in MATHS 110, or A+ in MATHS 102, or at least 18 credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 3 including at least 9 credits at merit or excellence, or B in CIE A2 Mathematics, or 5 out of 7 in IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (SL or HL)</i>
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Computational Mathematics2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to computational mathematics and programming in MATLAB. The course will introduce some basic concepts in computational mathematics and give applications that include cryptography, difference equations, stochastic modelling, graph theory and Markov chains.
Corequisite: ENGGEN 150 or ENGSCI 111 or MATHS 108 or 120
Restriction: MATHS 199
Restriction: MATHS 199
: Advancing in Mathematics2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to University level mathematics, for high-achieving students currently at high school. The numerical computing environment MATLAB is used to study beautiful mathematics from algebra, analysis, applied mathematics and combinatorics. Students will learn to write mathematical proofs and create mathematical models to find solutions to real-world problems.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval
: General Mathematics 22024 Semester One (1243)
This sequel to MATHS 108 features applications from the theory of multi-variable calculus, linear algebra and differential equations to real-life problems in statistics, economics, finance, computer science, and operations research.
Prerequisite: 15 points from MATHS 108, ENGSCI 111, ENGGEN 150, or MATHS 120 and MATHS 130, or a B- or higher in MATHS 110
Restriction: Cannot be taken, concurrently with, or after MATHS 250, 253
Restriction: Cannot be taken, concurrently with, or after MATHS 250, 253
: Algebra and Calculus 22024 Semester One (1243)
Designed for all students who plan to progress further in mathematics, this course follows directly from MATHS 120 and 130. Covering topics from multivariable calculus and linear algebra, which have many applications in science, engineering and commerce. Students will learn mathematical results and procedures as well as the underpinning ideas and mathematical proofs.
Prerequisite: MATHS 120 and 130, or ENGGEN 150 or ENGSCI 111
: Algebra and Calculus 32024 Semester One (1243)
A sequel to MATHS 250, further developing and bringing together linear algebra and calculus. Students will learn about quadratic forms, projections, spectral decomposition, methods of multicriteria optimisation, double, triple and line integrals, Green’s theorem and applications.
Prerequisite: MATHS 250
: Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics2024 Semester One (1243)
Explores fundamentals of mathematics important to many branches of the subject and its applications. Topics include equivalence relations, elementary number theory, counting techniques, elementary probability, geometry, symmetry and metric spaces. This is an essential course for all students advancing beyond Stage II in pure mathematics, and highly suitable for other students in the mathematical sciences.
Corequisite: MATHS 250
: Differential Equations2024 Semester One (1243)
The study of differential equations is central to mathematical modelling of systems that change. This course develops methods for understanding the behaviour of solutions to ordinary differential equations. Qualitative and elementary numerical methods for obtaining information about solutions are discussed, as well as some analytical techniques for finding exact solutions in certain cases. Some applications of differential equations to scientific modelling are discussed. A core course for Applied Mathematics.
Prerequisite: MATHS 208 or 250 or ENGSCI 211 or a concurrent enrolment in MATHS 250
: Combinatorics2024 Semester One (1243)
Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that studies collections of objects that satisfy specified criteria. An important part of combinatorics is graph theory, which is now connected to other disciplines including bioinformatics, electrical engineering, molecular chemistry and social science. The use of combinatorics in solving counting and construction problems is covered using topics that include algorithmic graph theory, codes and incidence structures, and combinatorial complexity.
Prerequisite: MATHS 254, or 250 and a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225
: Algebra and Applications2024 Semester One (1243)
The goal of this course is to show the power of algebra and number theory in the real world. It concentrates on concrete objects like polynomial rings, finite fields, groups of points on elliptic curves, studies their elementary properties and shows their exceptional applicability to various problems in information technology including cryptography, secret sharing, and reliable transmission of information through an unreliable channel.
Prerequisite: MATHS 250 and 254, or a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225 and 15 points from MATHS 250, 253
: Analysis in Higher Dimensions2024 Semester One (1243)
By selecting the important properties of distance many different mathematical contexts are studied simultaneously in the framework of metric and normed spaces. This course examines carefully the ways in which the derivative generalises to higher dimensional situations. These concepts lead to precise studies of continuity, fixed points and the solution of differential equations. A recommended course for all students planning to advance in pure mathematics.
Prerequisite: MATHS 332 or a B or higher in MATHS 254
: Partial Differential Equations2024 Semester One (1243)
Partial differential equations (PDEs) are used to model many important applications of phenomena in the real world such as electric fields, diffusion and wave propagation. Covers linear PDEs, analytical methods for their solution and weak solutions. Recommended preparation: MATHS 253
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, 260
: Advanced Computational Mathematics2024 Semester One (1243)
Finite element methods, calculus of variations and control theory are key mathematical tools used to model, compute approximations to model solutions and to understand the control of real-world phenomena. These topics share the same mathematical foundations and can all be described as variational methods. The course offers advanced techniques to handle complicated geometries and optimise desired objectives in applications modelled using differential equations. Recommended preparation: MATHS 253
Prerequisite: MATHS 260 and 270