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Showing 25 course outlines from 1579 matches
: Property Finance and Investment2024 Semester One (1243)
Financing represents a fundamental part of how properties are purchased, developed and managed. The application of general theories of property investment, discounted cash flow, risk and return, and financial mathematics is vital for property professionals. Debt and equity financing options are discussed for residential and income-producing property and development projects.
Prerequisite: 15 points from ACCTG 101, BUSINESS 114, PROPERTY 102
: Building Construction2024 Semester One (1243)
Knowledge of construction is vital in understanding property valuation, property management and property development. Building materials, structural options, and building services have a strong influence on how a property performs both financially and functionally. Provides general residential and commercial construction knowledge and an understanding of the construction process.
Prerequisite: 15 points from BUSINESS 102, 112, 113, PROPERTY 102
Restriction: PROPERTY 141
Restriction: PROPERTY 141
: Advanced Valuation2024 Semester One (1243)
The theory and practice of valuing special categories of urban property. Topics include: valuation of CBD land and office buildings, shopping centres, hotels and leasehold land. Also covered are: statutory valuations (compulsory purchase), going-concern valuations, litigation, arbitration, and professional ethics and practice.
Prerequisite: 90 points from PROPERTY 211-281
: Property Development2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to the process of property development, including application of analytical methods to case studies.
Prerequisite: 90 points from PROPERTY 211-281
: Advanced Property Finance and Investment2024 Semester One (1243)
An understanding of how to research, analyse and advise on property financing and investment decisions is an essential analytical skill for property professionals. Topics include: asset pricing models, capital structure decision, weighted average cost of capital and adjusted present value, property as an asset class, and financing and investment strategies.
Prerequisite: 90 points from PROPERTY 211-281
: Property Industry Case2024 Semester One (1243)
A challenging ‘real world’ property industry case project requiring demonstration of personal and professional skills as teams assess a situation, propose solutions and communicate recommendations.
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage III in Property
Restriction: PROPERTY 360, 362, 363, 364, 371
Restriction: PROPERTY 360, 362, 363, 364, 371
: Property Issues and Trends2024 Semester One (1243)
Property development and investment practices have significant consequences for economic, social and environmental outcomes. Uses relevant literature to provide a critical analysis of contemporary dynamics and problems in international and national property markets.
Prerequisite: 90 points from PROPERTY 211-281
: Individual, Social and Applied Psychology2024 Semester One (1243)
Topics covered may include: developmental and social psychology including group behaviour, the measurement of mental abilities, intelligence, models of personality, clinical and health psychology, methods of therapeutic intervention, and the psychological similarities and differences between cultures. A laboratory component, in which students are required to participate as subjects, forms part of the course.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Mind, Brain and Behaviour2024 Semester One (1243)
Topics covered may include: the nature of sensory and perceptual processes, the cause of perceptual illusions, the structure and function of the human brain, approaches to animal and human learning, models of human language and memory, and the design of psychological experiments. A laboratory component, in which students are required to participate as subjects, forms part of the course.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Foundations of Developmental Psychology2024 Semester One (1243)
How do children’s minds develop, how do they work, and how do they influence children’s behaviour? Students will learn the theoretical perspectives and methods that scientists use to investigate the developing mind in infancy through late childhood. Topics of particular focus include learning and memory, concepts and categories, language, the self and identity, social cognition, attachment, and emotion.
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage I in Psychology
: Biopsychology2024 Semester One (1243)
Provides a basic introduction to the structure and function of the brain, neuropsychology, and genetic and hormonal influences on behaviour. This course includes a compulsory laboratory component.
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage I in Psychology or 15 points from BIOSCI 101, 103
: Theories of Personality and Development2024 Semester One (1243)
The major personality theories are presented including: Behavioural, Cognitive, Social-Cognitive, Psychodynamic, Humanistic/Phenomenological, Trait/Dispositional and Biological/Evolutionary. The hypotheses generated by these theories, about development from early childhood onwards and about 'normal' and 'abnormal' behaviour, will be discussed and evaluated in terms of empirical evidence and utility. Attention will be paid to cultural issues of relevance in a New Zealand context.
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage I in Psychology
: Research Methods in Psychology2024 Semester One (1243)
Deals with principles and practices relevant to psychological research, including philosophy of science, research ethics, research design, measurement of dependent variables, describing and analysing data, and interpreting results. Participation in the laboratory component of this course is compulsory.
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125
: Learning2024 Semester One (1243)
A discussion of how behaviour is controlled and modified by discriminative stimuli and by consequential reinforcers and punishers. The emphasis is on laboratory research with animals, but with some human data also considered. Topics include: choice behaviour, punishment, avoidance, psychophysics, memory, and cognition. This course includes a compulsory laboratory component.
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125, or 45 points at Stage II in Biological Sciences
Restriction: PSYCH 362
Restriction: PSYCH 362
: Advanced Topics in Social Psychology2024 Semester One (1243)
Focuses on a number of key topics in social psychology. Modules examine interpersonal influence and close relationships, collective behaviour, prejudice and social issues, and social identity and well-being.
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125
: Psychology of Communication2024 Semester One (1243)
Studies the links between psychological processes and communication difficulties. Hearing, speech, language and voice will be covered. A range of communication difficulties and communication differences will be introduced and the psychosocial aspects will be discussed, including impact on self-esteem, health-related quality of life, peer/interpersonal relationships and educational and behavioural consequences in children and adults.
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125
: Evolution, Behaviour and Cognition2024 Semester One (1243)
How does behaviour in non-human animals evolve? Do other animals have language? Do they have culture? Can human behaviour be explained in evolutionary terms? This course addresses these questions and the methods that can be used to answer them.
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125, or 45 points at Stage II in Biological Sciences
: Capstone: Communicating Psychology2024 Semester One (1243)
Focuses on communicating psychological ideas and research using different media (e.g., podcast, short film, print media, symposia, grant proposals). Students will be required to work in groups, but to also engage in individual activities to demonstrate their own understanding of the topics explored by them and others in this course.
Prerequisite: 30 points at Stage III in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125
: Political Psychology2024 Semester One (1243)
Provides an overview of the intersecting fields of psychology and political science. Seminar-based topics include personality and politics, political socialisation, voting behaviour, media effects, rational choice vs. symbolic politics, the competency of the electorate, the psychology of legitimacy, and other timely issues. Attention will be paid to the international literature, though New Zealand-based research will also be discussed.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Clinical Neuropsychology2024 Semester One (1243)
Consists of: an introduction to neuroanatomy and neuropathology, seminars on the major areas of neuropsychological dysfunction, introduction to community-used test materials and theoretical issues of neuropsychological assessment, neuropsychological dysfunction, individual assessment and individual case studies.
To complete this course students must enrol in PSYCH 708 A and B
: Cognitive Neuroscience2024 Semester One (1243)
An advanced seminar on cognitive neuroscience. Topics may include: neuroanatomy, neuroimaging methodologies, neurological and developmental disorders, and the organisation of higher cognitive functions such as attention, language, memory and executive functions. Emphasis will be placed on current developments relevant to the understanding of human psychological processes.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Psychology and Sustainability2024 Semester One (1243)
Human behaviour and thinking is central to both the sustainability problem and viable solutions. This course considers the psychological barriers to thinking and acting sustainably and how theories and research on emotions, modelling, identity, belonging, moral development and the evolution of cooperation can be applied to overcome these barriers. There will be particular emphasis on how to develop 'sustainability consciousness' in individuals and organisations.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Social Psychology and Interpersonal Processes2024 Semester One (1243)
Key empirical and theoretical areas in contemporary social psychology form the basis of this seminar-based course. Topics will include social cognition, interpersonal influence, communication, and close personal relationships. Students will also conduct small research projects investigating central topics covered in the course.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Mental Health Problems: Aetiology and Assessment2024 Semester One (1243)
Provides an overview of common mental health problems in childhood and adulthood and the methods that clinical psychologists use to assess these. Examines theories of causation and risk factors for a number of mental health problems. Also introduces and critiques diagnostic tools and psychometric instruments used in assessment.
Corequisite: PSYCH 718
: Evolution and Human Behaviour2024 Semester One (1243)
Investigates the psychology of humans from an evolutionary perspective. Specific topics may include the evolution of language, religion, mental time travel, social learning, and cognitive nudges, biases and heuristics.
No pre-requisites or restrictions