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Showing 25 course outlines from 1579 matches
: Introduction to Communication in Children and Adults2024 Semester One (1243)
Communication development and disorders. Normal communication development across the lifespan, in the context of total child development, of major changes in expectations such as school and literacy, and of variations such as cultural differences and multilingualism. Applications of these concepts in an introduction to the assessment and management of communication disorders in children and of acquired disorders in adults.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Linguistics for Speech Language Therapy2024 Semester One (1243)
The study of articulatory phonetics, phonemic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet, and the relationship between phonetics and phonology. Additional language analysis covering morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Anatomy and Physiology for Speech Language Therapy2024 Semester One (1243)
Anatomy and physiology of speech, language and hearing, including the respiratory, phonatory, articulatory, auditory and peripheral and central nervous systems underlying spoken communication. Application of this knowledge is through manipulation of human models and supported computer laboratories.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Audiology for Speech Language Therapy2024 Semester One (1243)
Study of types of hearing impairment, pathologies of the hearing mechanism, tests and clinical procedures used in audiological evaluations and hearing instrumentation.
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 713
Restriction: SPCHSCI 732
Restriction: SPCHSCI 732
: Speech Language Therapy Clinical Practicum 32024 Semester One (1243)
Clinical practice in a variety of settings with students taking responsibility for the assessment and management of cases with supervisor guidance. The management plan and decision-making process for the client and their family are outlined and the project outcomes after analysis are presented, in a substantial report. Weekly tutorials support the course.
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 724
: Topics in Communication Disorders in Adults2024 Semester One (1243)
Advanced study of speech-language therapy (SLT) in adult populations including working with Māori, bilingualism, progressive conditions, palliative care, lifelong disability and ageing effects on audition and language. It includes highly specialised theoretical and clinical approaches which underpin the content, with implications for SLT practice in the New Zealand context being the predominant focus. Involves an individual management plan for a client resulting in a substantial individual report.
Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 723
Restriction: SPCHSCI 741
Restriction: SPCHSCI 741
: Sport and Recreation2024 Semester One (1243)
Explores sport, recreation, and physical activity environments and cultures in Aotearoa New Zealand, including organised and alternative sport. Examines how children, youth and adults engage with sport and physical culture. Explores issues of access, policy and leadership in the field and investigates how different concepts influence understandings of, and engagement with, sport and physical culture.
Restriction: EDCURRIC 237
: Sociocultural Foundations2024 Semester One (1243)
Explores the sociological, historical, psychological and philosophical foundations of health, sport and movement cultures. Examines how health and human movement are culturally and socially conceptualised with regard to contemporary concerns and trends. Includes studies of different cultural (Pākehā, Māori, Pacific, Asian) concepts of, and engagement with, health, sport and physical culture.
Restriction: EDCURRIC 135, EDUC 142
: Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement2024 Semester One (1243)
Introduces students to the biophysical foundations of human movement. Examines the role of the neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal systems in movement. Examines knowledge of internal and external mechanics and how this is applied to understand human movement.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Skill Learning2024 Semester One (1243)
Develops knowledge and understanding of skill learning, teaching and coaching in human movement. Examines concepts of skill and theories of learning, including: psychological theories underpinning physical competency, child and youth development, motivation, inclusion and success. Develops an understanding of learner-centred, inquiry-based practice, and the development of pedagogical practices.
Prerequisite: SPORTHPE 102
Restriction: EDCURRIC 200
Restriction: EDCURRIC 200
: School Health and Physical Education2024 Semester One (1243)
Examines health education and physical education in primary and secondary school contexts. Develops knowledge of pedagogy, curriculum, and programming. Critically examines how contemporary issues in the fields of health, sport and physical education impact schools.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Concepts in Statistics2024 Semester One (1243)
A first exposure to statistics that builds data handling and literacy skills and develops conceptual thinking through active participation in problems using real data, computer simulations and group work. STATS 100 makes full use of appropriate technology and prepares students to use statistics in their own disciplines.
Restriction: May not be taken with, or after passing, any other Statistics course
: Introduction to Statistics2024 Semester One (1243)
Intended for anyone who will ever have to collect or make sense of data, either in their career or private life. Steps involved in conducting a statistical investigation are studied with the main emphasis being on data analysis and the background concepts necessary for successfully analysing data, extrapolating from patterns in data to more generally applicable conclusions and communicating results to others. Other topics include probability; confidence intervals, statistical significance, t-tests, and p-values; nonparametric methods; one-way analysis of variance, simple linear regression, correlation, tables of counts and the chi-square test.
Restriction: STATS 102, 107, 108, 191
: Statistics for Commerce2024 Semester One (1243)
The standard Stage I Statistics course for the Faculty of Business and Economics or for Arts students taking Economics courses. Its syllabus is as for STATS 101, but it places more emphasis on examples from commerce.
Restriction: STATS 101, 102, 107, 191
: Probability and its Applications2024 Semester One (1243)
Probability, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, random walks, Markov chains, probability models. Illustrations will be drawn from a wide variety of applications including: finance and economics; biology; telecommunications, networks; games, gambling and risk.
Corequisite: ENGSCI 111 or MATHS 108 or 110 or 120 or 130
Restriction: STATS 210
Restriction: STATS 210
: Data Analysis2024 Semester One (1243)
A practical course using the R language in the statistical analysis of data and the interpretation and communication of statistical findings. Includes exploratory data analysis, analysis of linear models including multiple regression and analysis of variance, generalised linear models including logistic regression and analysis of counts, time series analysis.
Prerequisite: 15 points from STATS 101-108, 191
Restriction: STATS 207, 208
Restriction: STATS 207, 208
: Data Analysis for Commerce2024 Semester One (1243)
A practical course using the popular R language in the statistical analysis of data and the interpretation and communication of statistical findings. Includes exploratory data analysis, analysis of linear models including multiple regression and analysis of variance, generalised linear models including logistic regression and analysis of counts, time series analysis.
Prerequisite: 15 points from STATS 101-108, 191
Restriction: STATS 201, 207
Restriction: STATS 201, 207
: Statistical Theory2024 Semester One (1243)
Probability, discrete and continuous distributions, likelihood and estimation, hypothesis testing.
Prerequisite: 15 points from ENGSCI 111, ENGGEN 150, STATS 125
Corequisite: 15 points from MATHS 208, 250, ENGSCI 211 or equivalent
: Data Technologies2024 Semester One (1243)
Explores the processes of data acquisition, data storage and data processing using current computer technologies. Students will gain experience with and understanding of the processes of data acquisition, storage, retrieval, manipulation, and management. Students will also gain experience with and understanding of the computer technologies that perform these processes.
Prerequisite: 15 points at Stage I in Computer Science or Statistics
: Probability: Theory and Applications2024 Semester One (1243)
Covers the fundamentals of probability through theory, methods, and applications. Topics should include the classical limit theorems of probability and statistics known as the laws of large numbers and central limit theorem, conditional expectation as a random variable, the use of generating function techniques, and key properties of some fundamental stochastic models such as random walks, branching processes and Poisson point processes.
Prerequisite: B+ or higher in ENGGEN 150 or ENGSCI 111 or STATS 125, or a B+ or higher in MATHS 120 and 130
Corequisite: 15 points from ENGSCI 211, MATHS 208, 250
: Optimisation and Data-driven Decision Making2024 Semester One (1243)
Explores methods for using data to assist in decision making in business and industrial applications. Software packages will be used to solve practical problems. Topics such as linear programming, transportation and assignment models, network algorithms, queues, Markov chains, inventory models, simulation, analytics and visualisation will be considered.
Prerequisite: ENGSCI 211 or STATS 201 or 208, or a B+ or higher in either MATHS 108 or 120 or 130 or 162 or 199 or STATS 101 or 108, or a concurrent enrolment in either ENGSCI 211 or STATS 201 or 208
Restriction: ENGSCI 255
Restriction: ENGSCI 255
: Applied Multivariate Analysis2024 Semester One (1243)
Covers the exploratory analysis of multivariate data, with emphasis on the use of statistical software and reporting of results. Topics covered include: techniques for data display, dimension reduction and ordination, cluster analysis, multivariate ANOVA and associated methods.
Prerequisite: ENGSCI 314 or STATS 201 or 208
Restriction: STATS 767
Restriction: STATS 767