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Showing 25 course outlines from 1579 matches



: Projects in the Exercise Sciences
2024 Semester One (1243)
Provides students with an opportunity to collect data in an area of interest, with the aim of validating an area of study towards their theses.
Subject: Exercise Sciences
Restriction: SPORTSCI 702

Outline is not available yet



: Exercise for Rehabilitation
2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will apply clinical reasoning and deduction to assessment and treatment of individuals across the lifespan living with chronic health conditions to increase life-long physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviours. Knowledge and skills include aerobic capacity testing, functional assessments, exercise intervention, outcome measurement and self-management support for people undergoing cardiac rehabilitation or living with chronic health conditions and older adults.
Subject: Exercise Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Musculoskeletal Outpatients
2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will evaluate assessments, planning and delivery of interventions for clients with musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, women’s health and rheumatologic conditions across the lifespan. Client scenarios will develop clinical reasoning skills underpinning safe, effective and holistic delivery of therapy. Students will learn to formulate differential diagnoses, prioritise clinical problems and implement an evidence-based treatment plan, using manual therapy, exercise and modality-based interventions.
Subject: Exercise Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Acute Care
2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will apply advanced knowledge in physiotherapy management of acute respiratory, cardiac, surgical and neurological conditions across the lifespan, and to operate effectively in an interdisciplinary healthcare team. Students will learn to provide cardiopulmonary care for medical, surgical and acute neurological patients and the fundamentals of managing patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) including the role of physiotherapist in an ICU.
Subject: Exercise Sciences
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Physiotherapy Practice
2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will apply advanced knowledge and skills in specialised and emerging areas of physiotherapy practice, including advanced practitioner roles. Applying critical thinking and evidence-based practices, students will independently develop and evaluate management plans for complex cases. Case scenarios include integration of Hauora Māori, paediatric/neonatal ICU, burns/plastics, spinal cord injury, gender health, hand therapy, palliative care and emergency department physiotherapy.
Subject: Exercise Sciences
Prerequisite: EXERSCI 735-737

Outline is not available yet



: Physiotherapy Practicum 2
2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will undertake supervised practice in a clinical setting. This is the second of 5 clinical practicums across different physiotherapy settings. Students will complete supervised practice for 25 days over a 5-week block. Students will develop competencies in assessment of clients' problems, analysis of findings, goal setting and implementation and evaluation of interventions appropriate to the specific clinical setting.
Subject: Exercise Sciences
Prerequisite: EXERSCI 751

Outline is not available yet



: Physiotherapy Practicum 3
2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will undertake supervised practice in a clinical setting. This is the third of 5 clinical practicums across different physiotherapy practice settings. Students will complete supervised practice for 25 days over a 5-week block. Students will develop competencies in assessment of clients' problems, analysis of findings, goal setting and implementation and evaluation of interventions appropriate to the specific clinical setting.
Subject: Exercise Sciences
Prerequisite: EXERSCI 751

Outline is not available yet



: Physiotherapy Practicum 4
2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will undertake supervised practice in a clinical setting. This is the fourth of 5 clinical practicums across different physiotherapy practice settings. Students will complete supervised practice for 25 days over a 5-week block. Students will develop competencies in assessment of clients' problems, analysis of findings, goal setting and implementation and evaluation of interventions appropriate to the specific clinical setting.
Subject: Exercise Sciences
Prerequisite: EXERSCI 751-753

Outline is not available yet



: Physiotherapy Practicum 5
2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will undertake supervised practice in a clinical setting. This is the final of 5 clinical practicums across different physiotherapy practice settings. Students will complete supervised practice for 25 days over a 5-week block. Students will develop competencies in assessment of clients' problems, analysis of findings, goal setting and implementation and evaluation of interventions appropriate to the specific clinical setting.
Subject: Exercise Sciences
Prerequisite: EXERSCI 751-753

Outline is not available yet



: Studio
2024 Semester One (1243)
An advanced studio course in which students complete a significant studio art project that demonstrates a sustained level of practical and conceptual enquiry.
Subject: Fine Arts
To complete this course students must enrol in FINEARTS 759 A and B, or FINEARTS 759


: Food Quality Attributes
2024 Semester One (1243)
Attributes that make food attractive, such as colour, flavour, and texture, and how they alter during processing are studied. Texture measurement and methods of studying food structure will be discussed. Lectures will be given on non-destructive testing of food. Recommended preparation: BIOSCI 203
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: FOODSCI 200 or 201

Outline is not available yet



: Food Safety
2024 Semester One (1243)
An understanding of the changing regulations that apply to the New Zealand food industry is of paramount importance. Pathogen awareness and control from an industry perspective are examined. HACCP and risk management plans will be generated.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

Outline is not available yet



: Research Proposal
2024 Semester One (1243)
A review of the literature and research methods associated with a selected research topic assigned to an individual student. This will be at internationally recognised academic standards and demonstrate a capacity for independent thinking. It will include a consideration of the project from a Vision Mātauranga perspective.
Subject: Food Science
Prerequisite: Permission of Programme Director

Outline is not available yet



: Project in Forensic Science
2024 Semester One (1243)
A research essay on an aspect of forensic science.
Subject: Forensic Science
Restriction: FORENSIC 705 To complete this course students must enrol in FORENSIC 707 A and B, or FORENSIC 707

Outline is not available yet



: Project in Forensic Science
2024 Semester One (1243)
A research essay on an aspect of forensic science.
Subject: Forensic Science
Restriction: FORENSIC 705 To complete this course students must enrol in FORENSIC 707 A and B, or FORENSIC 707


: Introductory French Language 1
2024 Semester One (1243)
Introduces students to spoken and written French. It is delivered through two 90-minute sessions per week on campus, blended with an on-line component that uses up-to-date methodology and extensive multimedia materials. It is open to beginners or near beginners. Students who have achieved 24 recent credits in Level 1 NCEA French or 12-16 recent credits in Level 2 NCEA French (or equivalent previous study) should enrol in FRENCH 102. FRENCH 101 does not count towards a major in French. May not be taken if a more advanced language acquisition course in this subject has previously been passed.
Subject: French
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Special Study
2024 Semester One (1243)
Supervised research on a topic or topics approved by the Academic Head or nominee.
Subject: French
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Mapping Our World
2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to contemporary geospatial technologies such as web-mapping, GPS and tracking devices (such as your phone), Remote Sensing and GIS. Covers key concepts and principles behind these tools and their use, along with practical experiences through laboratories. Critical and theoretical perspectives on the tools, their use, and their social impacts will be discussed.
Subject: Geography
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: German Language Introductory 1
2024 Semester One (1243)
Written and oral use of German for students with no previous knowledge of the language or with fewer than 16 credits in NCEA Level 2 German.
Subject: German
Restriction: May not be taken if a more advanced language acquisition course in this subject has previously been passed


: Global Issues, Sustainable Futures
2024 Semester One (1243)
The basis for sustainability – social issues such as population and consumption, environmental issues such as climate change, limited resources and environmental degradation. Discusses the roles that various disciplines (law, business, engineering and urban planning) will play in developing solutions, including consideration of human rights and good governance, new concepts in economics and business management which will lead to sustainable businesses, developments in science and technology which will change how we manage resources and new visions for cities and communities which will support sustainable ways of life.
Subject: Global Studies
Restriction: GENED 101G


: Global History
2024 Semester One (1243)
It is only since the fifteenth century that a truly global dimension to history can be identified. This course examines key determinants that have bound the fate of peoples together including the emergence of world trade networks, the growth of world religions, the spread of epidemic diseases, the formation of empires, and the migration of peoples across continents.
Subject: History
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Project in Health Leadership
2024 Semester One (1243)
An applied research-based project in an aspect of health leadership. The project provides a capstone experience to the degree. Students critically analyse real-world cases and problems and develop evidence-informed and innovative solutions through expert consultation and literature research.
Subject: Health Management
To complete this course students must enrol in HLTHMGT 755 A and B, or HLTHMGT 755


: Health Psychology
2024 Semester One (1243)
A review of the psychological factors involved in health and illness. Topics include: the understanding of patient behaviour in medical settings, preventative health behaviour, cognitive models of illness, stress and illness, communication and adherence to treatment, the psychology of physical symptoms and coping with chronic disease.
Subject: Health Psychology
No pre-requisites or restrictions

Outline is not available yet



: Professional Practice in Health Psychology
2024 Semester One (1243)
Focuses on the professional intervention skills necessary to practice health psychology. Topics include: interviewing and assessment skills, formulation of problems, design and evaluation of interventions and models for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary functioning. Relevant contexts include: hospitals, hospices, consultancies, general practice etc.
Subject: Health Psychology
Prerequisite: HLTHPSYC 746 To complete this course students must enrol in HLTHPSYC 742 A and B

Outline is not available yet



: Psychopathology and Clinical Interviewing
2024 Semester One (1243)
Common psychological disorders encountered in clinical practice and health settings. Practical teaching of clinical interview and diagnostic skills is completed in class.
Subject: Health Psychology
No pre-requisites or restrictions

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