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Showing 25 course outlines from 1579 matches
: Curriculum and Course Design2024 Semester One (1243)
Theory, concepts, and processes that underlie curriculum development and the design of short courses for a clinical setting. Addresses outcome-based course design and the development of objectives, content, methods, materials, assessment and evaluation for a course or curriculum.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Clinical Supervision2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will explore theories of workplace learning and models of supervision of students and trainees in the clinical workplace, understand the different roles of clinical supervisors, and develop knowledge and skills to improve the effectiveness of clinical supervision in their own context.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Theory and Practice of Clinical Education2024 Semester One (1243)
Examines the conceptual frameworks for learning in a clinical setting. The course will explore learning theory as it relates to the clinical experience, programme design, learner preparation, practical skills in enhancing learning in the clinical setting, and translation of theoretical knowledge into clinical practice.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Professionalism in Clinical Education2024 Semester One (1243)
Students will examine and critically reflect on the notion of professionalism in clinical education to ascertain how professionalism is fostered in health care settings. The course will address methods of teaching and learning professionalism.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Radiographic Clinical Practice II2024 Semester One (1243)
Extends the fundamental knowledge and clinical skills necessary to perform a range of routine and non-routine radiographic examinations, including specialised views and adaptive techniques. Provides the knowledge and clinical skills to perform a range of advanced radiographic imaging examinations with a patient centred focus, incorporating an evidence-based approach.
Restriction: CLINIMAG 301, 302
To complete this course students must enrol in CLINIMAG 303 A and B
: Radiographic Clinical Practice IV2024 Semester One (1243)
Consolidates the knowledge and clinical skills necessary to perform all radiographic imaging examinations, with a patient-centred focus.
To complete this course students must enrol in CLINIMAG 402 A and B
: Nuclear Medicine Specialised Clinical Applications2024 Semester One (1243)
Addresses normal and altered radiopharmaceutical biodistribution appearances, and protocol selection and development, associated with cardiovascular, lymphatic and oncological applications in Nuclear Medicine, in addition to investigating new and evolving techniques and applications. An emphasis will be placed on integrating theory and clinical practice elements to facilitate sound clinical reasoning, decision-making and clinical competence.
Prerequisite: MEDIMAGE 720
: CT Clinical Practice2024 Semester One (1243)
Provides students with a sound understanding of CT technology and its application including radiation safety and dose reduction. Addresses normal and abnormal Computed Tomography (CT) imaging appearances, protocol selection and modification, in relation to a range of standard clinical applications. Students will develop the knowledge, competencies, skills and attitudes needed to enable clinical competence in both academic and professional capability in CT practice and application to clinical practice.
Restriction: CLINIMAG 717, MEDIMAGE 710
: MRI Clinical Applications 12024 Semester One (1243)
Addresses normal and abnormal imaging appearances, protocol selection and development, and applications associated with a range of MRI examinations. Students will examine standard and advanced pulse sequences, in addition to investigating new and evolving techniques and applications. An emphasis will be placed on integrating theory and clinical practice elements to facilitate sound clinical decision making and clinical competence.
Prerequisite: MEDIMAGE 714
Restriction: CLINIMAG 701, 702
Restriction: CLINIMAG 701, 702
: MRI Clinical Practice2024 Semester One (1243)
Develops the knowledge, competencies, skills and attitudes needed to demonstrate mastery in both academic and professional capability in MRI practice.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval
: Ultrasound Clinical Practice2024 Semester One (1243)
Develops the knowledge, competencies, skills and attitudes needed to demonstrate mastery in both academic and professional capability in ultrasound practice.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval
: Nuclear Medicine Clinical Practice2024 Semester One (1243)
Develops the knowledge, competencies, skills and attitudes needed to demonstrate mastery in both academic and professional capability in Nuclear Medicine practice.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval
: Ultrasound Specialised Clinical Applications2024 Semester One (1243)
Addresses normal and abnormal ultrasound imaging appearances, scanning techniques and applications associated with specialised ultrasound imaging. An emphasis will be placed on integrating theory and clinical practice elements to facilitate sound clinical reasoning, decision-making and clinical competence.
Prerequisite: MEDIMAGE 716
Restriction: CLINIMAG 704, 714
Restriction: CLINIMAG 704, 714
: Mammographic Practice2024 Semester One (1243)
An in-depth understanding of mammographic imaging of breast anatomy and pathology, and the principles of mammographic technology and image quality. Addresses the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to demonstrate competence in clinical mammographic practice.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Law in a Business Environment2024 Semester One (1243)
Decision makers in commerce and industry require an understanding of legal structures, concepts and obligations. Provides an introduction to the New Zealand legal system and the legal environment in which businesses operate, and also introduces legal concepts of property and the law of obligations, including detailed study of various forms of legal liability relevant to business.
Restriction: BUSINESS 111, COMLAW 191
: Commercial Contracts2024 Semester One (1243)
Every business transaction involves a contract. Commercial Contracts examines the general principles of the law of contract including the process of formation of a contract, the interpretation of contractual terms and the various obstacles which may impede the enforceability of a bargain. Introduces the special features of contracts in digitally networked environments and issues relating to breach of contract and consumer protection.
Prerequisite: COMLAW 101 or 191 or BUSINESS 114 and 115
Corequisite: BUSINESS 112 or 113
: Company Law2024 Semester One (1243)
Companies are by far the most used vehicle for doing business and an understanding of the rules that govern them is essential for everyone involved in commerce and industry. Examines the nature of a company, incorporation and share capital, the concept of separate legal personality, how a company interacts with the world and the roles of the stakeholders in a company including directors and shareholders. A sound understanding will help decision makers to take the advantages of corporate structure while avoiding pitfalls and legal liability.
Prerequisite: COMLAW 101 or 191 or BUSINESS 114 and 115
Corequisite: BUSINESS 112 or 113
: Taxation2024 Semester One (1243)
An introduction to the Income Tax Act and the Goods and Services Tax Act, with emphasis on developing an understanding of these types of tax as relevant to taxpayers. Specific topics include the nature of income, taxation of common types of income (such as wages, shares and land), the deduction and prohibition of various types of expenses, tax accounting issues (cash or accrual basis), provisional tax, rebates, PAYE system, tax returns and an introduction to GST.
Prerequisite: COMLAW 201 or 203
: Financial Markets Law2024 Semester One (1243)
Businesses need investment to grow. Many raise finance from the securities markets, in particular by listing on the Stock Exchange. Topics include raising money from the public and the rules relating to insider trading, market manipulation, disclosure obligations, takeovers and listing on the Stock Exchange and will benefit investment advisers and anyone involved in the financial markets.
Prerequisite: COMLAW 203
: Marketing Law2024 Semester One (1243)
Marketers are not free to say what they want. A variety of laws and codes govern the claims made about goods and services and the ways in which they are presented and sold. Marketing Law covers consumer legislation, product distribution, advertisement regulation, branding, privacy and competition law. It builds skills in problem solving, decision making and written communication.
Prerequisite: BUSINESS 115 or COMLAW 101, and COMLAW 201 or 203 or MKTG 201 or 203, and 30 points at Stage II
: The Tax Base2024 Semester One (1243)
An advanced study of the breadth of the New Zealand income tax base, including the different concepts of income, its timing and recognition. Comparisons between the nature of capital and income, and the differing treatment of each, provides a deeper understanding of the policy behind the New Zealand income tax regime. Provides a theoretical background and detailed technical knowledge of the scope and application of the most significant regimes for income, deduction and timing in the Income Tax Act 2007. Involves individual research resulting in a substantial individual research essay.
To complete this course students must enrol in COMLAW 740 A and B
: Communication, Technology and Culture2024 Semester One (1243)
Explores the past, present and future of communication media. Examines communication media within their social context, and provides a particular focus on the interplay between technology and culture. Key concepts in the study of communication are introduced and various communication media are studied via specific case studies, with particular emphasis placed on new digital platforms including social and mobile media as well as older forms such as television and cinema.
No pre-requisites or restrictions
: Communication Research Methods2024 Semester One (1243)
Introduces students to a variety of research methods in communication studies. Students learn about the foundations of, and approaches to qualitative and quantitative methods and acquire an array of techniques to collect data, such as individual and focus group interviews, participant observation, and surveys, as well as different forms of data analysis.
Prerequisite: 60 points at Stage I in BA or BC courses
: Practicing Communication in Māori and Pacific Worlds2024 Semester One (1243)
Builds on COMMS 101 to develop students’ cultural competencies and understanding of tikanga Māori and Pacific cultures. Particular emphasis is given to the concept of whakawhanaungatanga and protocols surrounding engagement, consultation and partnership with Māori and Pacific communities.
Prerequisite: COMMS 101 and 45 points at Stage I in BA or BC courses
: Narratives of Social Change2024 Semester One (1243)
Investigates how the presentation of information shapes public attitudes and behaviours. Explores how public communication via news, social media and public awareness campaigns influence public understanding, engagement and behaviour. Key ideas explored in this course include: discourse; framing; rhetoric; and the interplay of words, images and sounds in multimodal communication.
Prerequisite: COMMS 102 and 45 points at Stage I in BA or BC courses