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2 course outlines found
: Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics2023 Semester One (1233)
Explores physical processes underlying Earth's climate using observations, modelling and predictions. Spans geophysical fluid dynamics, Earth's energy budget, the meridional and vertical heat imbalances, and processes linked to seasonal and long-term climate variations and changes. Explores quasi-geostrophic and wave theory to describe general circulation, Hadley and midlatitude circulations in the atmosphere, Sverdrup balance and western boundary currents in the ocean.
Prerequisite: ENVPHYS 300 or 30 points from PHYSICS 201-203, 231, 240, 244, 251, 261
Restrictions: GEOPHYS 711
: Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics2022 Semester One (1223)
Explores physical processes underlying Earth's climate using observations, modelling and predictions. Spans geophysical fluid dynamics, Earth's energy budget, the meridional and vertical heat imbalances, and processes linked to seasonal and long-term climate variations and changes. Explores quasi-geostrophic and wave theory to describe general circulation, Hadley and midlatitude circulations in the atmosphere, Sverdrup balance and western boundary currents in the ocean.
Prerequisite: ENVPHYS 300 or 30 points from PHYSICS 201-203, 231, 240, 244, 251, 261
Restrictions: GEOPHYS 711
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