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6 course outlines found



: Advanced Digital Communications
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Advanced topics in modern digital communication systems and networks including: Advanced digital modulation theory and practice in single and multi-user communications systems; advanced information theory including single and multiple source coding; modern error control coding methods and applications; traffic theory and application in communication systems and networks. Theoretical knowledge is extended by an advanced laboratory programme and research projects.
Subject: Electrical a Electronic Engine
Prerequisite: 15 points from ELECTENG 303, 331, 332
Restriction: ELECTENG 426, 726


: Advanced Digital Communications
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Advanced topics in modern digital communication systems and networks including: Advanced digital modulation theory and practice in single and multi-user communications systems; advanced information theory including single and multiple source coding; modern error control coding methods and applications; traffic theory and application in communication systems and networks. Theoretical knowledge is extended by an advanced laboratory programme and research projects.
Subject: Electrical a Electronic Engine
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 303 or 331, and ELECTENG 732
Restriction: ELECTENG 426, 726


: Advanced Digital Communications
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Advanced topics in modern digital communication systems and networks including: Advanced digital modulation theory and practice in single and multi-user communications systems; advanced information theory including single and multiple source coding; modern error control coding methods and applications; traffic theory and application in communication systems and networks. Theoretical knowledge is extended by an advanced laboratory programme and research projects.
Subject: Electrical a Electronic Engine
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 303, 732
Restriction: ELECTENG 426, 726


: Advanced Digital Communications
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Advanced topics in modern digital communication systems and networks including: Advanced digital modulation theory and practice in single and multi-user communications systems; advanced information theory including single and multiple source coding; modern error control coding methods and applications; traffic theory and application in communication systems and networks. Theoretical knowledge is extended by an advanced laboratory programme and research projects.
Subject: Electrical a Electronic Engine
Prerequisite: 15 points from ELECTENG 303, 331, 332
Restriction: ELECTENG 426, 726

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Digital Communications
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Advanced topics in modern digital communication systems and networks including: Advanced digital modulation theory and practice in single and multi-user communications systems; advanced information theory including single and multiple source coding; modern error control coding methods and applications; traffic theory and application in communication systems and networks. Theoretical knowledge is extended by an advanced laboratory programme and research projects.
Subject: Electrical a Electronic Engine
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 303 or 331, and ELECTENG 732
Restriction: ELECTENG 426, 726

Outline is not available yet



: Advanced Digital Communications
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Advanced topics in modern digital communication systems and networks including: Advanced digital modulation theory and practice in single and multi-user communications systems; advanced information theory including single and multiple source coding; modern error control coding methods and applications; traffic theory and application in communication systems and networks. Theoretical knowledge is extended by an advanced laboratory programme and research projects.
Subject: Electrical a Electronic Engine
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 303 or 331, and ELECTENG 732
Restriction: ELECTENG 426, 726

Outline is not available yet