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Showing 25 course outlines from 2713 matches



: Pharmacy 4
2021 Semester One (1213)
Optimal drug treatment of neurological, psychiatric diseases and disorders and cancers are explored through an integrated multidisciplinary systems-based approach. Clinical pharmacy skills in dispensing, aseptic compounding, medicines information and interdisciplinary teamwork are further developed. Principles in law, ethics, management, leadership and complex communications are applied. Advanced experiential learning placements are provided across a variety of health organisations and pharmacy sites.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 311, 312


: Pharmacy 4
2020 Semester One (1203)
The optimal drug treatment of haematological, nutritional and psychiatric diseases and disorders and cancers are explored through an integrated multidisciplinary systems-based approach. Clinical pharmacy skills in areas such as as law and ethics, dispensing, aseptic compounding, medicines information, management, and teamwork and leadership are further developed. Advanced experiential learning opportunities in pharmacy sites, including in rural locations, are provided.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 311, 312


: Pharmacy 5
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Optimal drug treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, children’s/older adults’ health issues and patients with multiple morbidities are explored through an integrated multidisciplinary systems-based approach. Clinical pharmacy skills, formulation selection, dispensing, medicines information and teamwork are further developed. Principles in management, leadership, law, ethics, pharmacoeconomics and health technology are applied. Further advanced, varied experiential learning placements are provided.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 411


: Pharmacy 5
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Optimal drug treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, children’s/older adults’ health issues and patients with multiple morbidities are explored through an integrated multidisciplinary systems-based approach. Clinical pharmacy skills, formulation selection, dispensing, medicines information and teamwork are further developed. Principles in management, leadership, law, ethics, pharmacoeconomics and health technology are applied. Further advanced, varied experiential learning placements are provided.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 411


: Pharmacy 5
2020 Semester Two (1205)
The optimal drug treatment of neurological diseases and disorders, children’s and older persons’ health issues and patients with multiple morbidities is explored through an integrated multidisciplinary systems-based approach. Clinical pharmacy skills in law and ethics, dispensing, medicines information, management, teamwork and leadership, pharmacoeconomics and health technology assessment are further developed. Further advanced experiential learning opportunities are provided.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 411


: Research Inquiry in Pharmacy
2025 Semester One (1253)
Research methodologies for health, pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practice. Students gain foundations in research methods and ethics, capabilities in synthesising literature, analysing data and presenting research findings. Students work in groups to explore, conduct, and present results of research inquiries in appropriate written and oral formats.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 312
Restriction: PHARMACY 410 To complete this course students must enrol in PHARMACY 413 A and B


: Research Inquiry in Pharmacy
2024 Semester One (1243)
Research methodologies for health, pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practice. Students gain foundations in research methods and ethics, capabilities in synthesising literature, analysing data and presenting research findings. Students work in groups to explore, conduct, and present results of research inquiries in appropriate written and oral formats.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 312
Restriction: PHARMACY 410 To complete this course students must enrol in PHARMACY 413 A and B


: Research Inquiry in Pharmacy
2023 Semester One (1233)
Research methodologies for health, pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practice. Students gain foundations in research methods and ethics, capabilities in synthesising literature, analysing data and presenting research findings. Students work in groups to explore, conduct, and present results of research inquiries in appropriate written and oral formats.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 312
Restriction: PHARMACY 410 To complete this course students must enrol in PHARMACY 413 A and B


: Medicine Optimisation 1
2025 Semester One (1253)
Evaluation of theoretical frameworks to assess health service design. Optimal drug treatment of cancers, neurological and psychiatric diseases and disorders are explored underpinned by critical appraisal of evidence. Clinical pharmacy skills in law, ethics, dispensing, aseptic compounding, medicines information, teamwork and leadership are consolidated. Advanced experiential learning placement opportunities are undertaken in sites throughout New Zealand and overseas locations.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 312
Restriction: PHARMACY 411


: Medicine Optimisation 1
2024 Semester One (1243)
Evaluation of theoretical frameworks to assess health service design. Optimal drug treatment of cancers, neurological and psychiatric diseases and disorders are explored underpinned by critical appraisal of evidence. Clinical pharmacy skills in law, ethics, dispensing, aseptic compounding, medicines information, teamwork and leadership are consolidated. Advanced experiential learning placement opportunities are undertaken in sites throughout New Zealand and overseas locations.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 312
Restriction: PHARMACY 411


: Medicine Optimisation 1
2023 Semester One (1233)
Evaluation of theoretical frameworks to assess health service design. Optimal drug treatment of cancers, neurological and psychiatric diseases and disorders are explored underpinned by critical appraisal of evidence. Clinical pharmacy skills in law, ethics, dispensing, aseptic compounding, medicines information, teamwork and leadership are consolidated. Advanced experiential learning placement opportunities are undertaken in sites throughout New Zealand and overseas locations.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 312
Restriction: PHARMACY 411


: Medicine Optimisation 2
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Theories and critical appraisal of evidence applied to design health service innovations. Optimal treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, disorders and pain, children’s and older persons’ health issues, patients with multiple morbidities explored through an integrated multidisciplinary systems-based approach. Clinical pharmacy skills in law, ethics, dispensing, medicines information, teamwork, leadership, pharmacoeconomics and health technology are further developed. Advanced experiential learning placement opportunities.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 701
Restriction: PHARMACY 412


: Medicine Optimisation 2
2024 Semester Two (1245)
Theories and critical appraisal of evidence applied to design health service innovations. Optimal treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, disorders and pain, children’s and older persons’ health issues, patients with multiple morbidities explored through an integrated multidisciplinary systems-based approach. Clinical pharmacy skills in law, ethics, dispensing, medicines information, teamwork, leadership, pharmacoeconomics and health technology are further developed. Advanced experiential learning placement opportunities.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 701
Restriction: PHARMACY 412


: Medicine Optimisation 2
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Theories and critical appraisal of evidence applied to design health service innovations. Optimal treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, disorders and pain, children’s and older persons’ health issues, patients with multiple morbidities explored through an integrated multidisciplinary systems-based approach. Clinical pharmacy skills in law, ethics, dispensing, medicines information, teamwork, leadership, pharmacoeconomics and health technology are further developed. Advanced experiential learning placement opportunities.
Subject: Pharmacy
Prerequisite: PHARMACY 701
Restriction: PHARMACY 412


: Pharmaceutical Formulation
2025 Semester One (1253)
Physiological and physicochemical factors in drug delivery and formulation of pharmaceutical products. Consideration of both traditional (e.g., solutions, semi-solids, solids, aerosols) and novel (e.g., liposomal) drug delivery systems based on the experimental literature.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Formulation
2023 Semester One (1233)
Physiological and physicochemical factors in drug delivery and formulation of pharmaceutical products. Consideration of both traditional (e.g., solutions, semi-solids, solids, aerosols) and novel (e.g., liposomal) drug delivery systems based on the experimental literature.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Formulation
2021 Semester One (1213)
Physiological and physicochemical factors in drug delivery and formulation of pharmaceutical products. Consideration of both traditional (e.g., solutions, semi-solids, solids, aerosols) and novel (e.g., liposomal) drug delivery systems based on the experimental literature.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Formulation
2020 Semester One (1203)
Physiological and physicochemical factors in drug delivery and formulation of pharmaceutical products. Consideration of both traditional (e.g., solutions, semi-solids, solids, aerosols) and novel (e.g., liposomal) drug delivery systems based on the experimental literature.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Techniques
2025 Semester Two (1255)
Experimental and analytical techniques in the assessment of pharmaceutical products and of drug action in biological systems. Consideration of pharmacopoeial and official standards, drug stability and drug metabolism.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Techniques
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Experimental and analytical techniques in the assessment of pharmaceutical products and of drug action in biological systems. Consideration of pharmacopoeial and official standards, drug stability and drug metabolism.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Techniques
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Experimental and analytical techniques in the assessment of pharmaceutical products and of drug action in biological systems. Consideration of pharmacopoeial and official standards, drug stability and drug metabolism.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Techniques
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Experimental and analytical techniques in the assessment of pharmaceutical products and of drug action in biological systems. Consideration of pharmacopoeial and official standards, drug stability and drug metabolism.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
2025 Semester One (1253)
Principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP), quality assurance and quality control as applied to pharmaceutical products and processes. Consideration of relevant industrial processes, legislation, safety issues, packaging, labelling, stability and regulatory requirements.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
2021 Semester One (1213)
Principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP), quality assurance and quality control as applied to pharmaceutical products and processes. Consideration of relevant industrial processes, legislation, safety issues, packaging, labelling, stability and regulatory requirements.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions


: Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
2020 Semester One (1203)
Principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP), quality assurance and quality control as applied to pharmaceutical products and processes. Consideration of relevant industrial processes, legislation, safety issues, packaging, labelling, stability and regulatory requirements.
Subject: Pharmacy
No pre-requisites or restrictions