SPCHSCI 734 : Speech Language Therapy Clinical Practicum 3


2020 Semester One (1203) (15 POINTS)

Course Prescription

Clinical practice in a variety of settings with students taking responsibility for the assessment and management of cases with supervisor guidance. The management plan and decision-making process for the client and their family are outlined and the project outcomes after analysis are presented, in a substantial report. Weekly tutorials support the course.

Course Overview

This clinical paper includes one day per week clinics at the Grafton Teaching Clinic or external clinics and a block placement anywhere across New Zealand.  Clinical tutorials are also held throughout the week while on campus.  Clinic and the clinical tutorials are compulsory to attend.  Please notify the Director of Clinical Education if you are unable to attend.  Please inform your clinical educator and clinic partner if you are unable to attend a clinic day.

This course provides you with opportunities to work in a team environment with child and/or adult clients with communication disorders in external clinical setting settings such as DHB and MOE settings. The block placement provides an excellent opportunity to discover the interface between theory, the workplace or context and organisational structures, processes and policies.
On completion of this course the student is expected to perform at a level moving off the midway point between Intermediate competency level, and Entry Level competency, across all COMPASSTM Generic and Occupational competencies. Some students may achieve Entry Level competence on some of the COMPASSTM Generic and Occupational competencies e.g. GPC 4.
Supervision support from the clinical educators is expected to be largely collaborative as students should be working more independently at this stage of their clinical learning. Students will be supervised approximately 50% time during this placement. Direct supervision (provision of a high level of support) is available for students who need it to ensure clinical safety for both students and clients and to facilitate explicit linkages between relevant theory and current clinical practice. It is expected that this high level of support would gradually reduce and that the student would work more independently after 3-4 weeks in the clinical placement.
The progress of students who continue to require direct supervision or who do not move beyond the Intermediate competency level on COMPASSTM Generic and Occupational Competencies would be viewed as marginal. These students may need more time to develop clinical competency and may be advised to repeat this course.

Course Requirements

Prerequisite: SPCHSCI 724

Capabilities Developed in this Course

Capability 1: Disciplinary Knowledge and Practice
Capability 2: Critical Thinking
Capability 3: Solution Seeking
Capability 4: Communication and Engagement
Capability 5: Independence and Integrity
Capability 6: Social and Environmental Responsibilities

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Present and discuss the interface between theory and service delivery models in relation to an authentic workplace. (Capability 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6)
  2. Plan a preventative, educational or promotional project in a workplace discussing the benefits for the client, service and themselves and reflect on the project outcomes following feedback. (Capability 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
  3. Critically evaluate and reflect on your clinical decision-making process for a client and their family/whanau. (Capability 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
  4. Demonstrate therapy skills, techniques and practice principles effectively to implement SLT sessions. (Capability 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
  5. Integrate the following into clinical thinking and practice: ICF, EBP, cultural competence, NZSTA Code of Ethics, family-centred practice. (Capability 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
  6. Demonstrate competency on COMPASS at a point moving off the mid way point between Intermediate and Entry Level. (Capability 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)


Assessment Type Percentage Classification
Practical 40% Individual Coursework
Assignments 30% Individual Coursework
Assignments 30% Individual Coursework
Practical Individual Coursework
Assessment Type Learning Outcome Addressed
1 2 3 4 5 6
Coursework and Marks:
Course assessment will comprise performance on coursework and on the clinical competency assessment COMPASSTM.
The student will be eligible to pass and proceed to SPCHSCI744 if he/she achieves:
• 50% or more for clinical and practical assessments
• ‘Satisfactory to continue’ evaluation on COMPASSTM to continue in clinical programme. See Clinical Pass and Fail sections for more information.

Clinical Placement
The student’s clinical competence will be assessed in each clinical placement using COMPASSTM. In SPCHSCI734 there are two clinical placements. The student needs to reach the zone described below by the end of the second placement. COMPASSTM is evaluated collaboratively by the clinical tutor and the student. This evaluation does not count towards the final grade however, the student is required to demonstrate competency appropriate to their experience to pass 734 and to proceed to SPCHSCI744. Tutors must indicate that a student is showing sufficient competence in SPCHSCI734 to proceed to SPCHSCI744. Any concerns should be raised with the student and with the Clinical Director in a timely manner.
Clinical Placement Pass Level
1. The student is identified by The University of Auckland Clinical Director as having achieved ratings that indicate their performance is at least between Intermediate and Entry-Level on all competencies (except CBOS 6) but is not yet Entry Level. This rating will take into consideration factors such as; the amount of support or guidance the student needs to perform competently, their ability to manage complex tasks independently, and their ability to flexibly develop and transfer knowledge of speech-language therapy practice (e.g. theory to practice, case to case).
NB: The final decision about whether or not a student has demonstrated satisfactory progress in a clinical placement cannot be made until the clinical director has reviewed the student’s COMPASS. Please note that the clinical tutor’s rating for ‘Overall rating of competency’ is preliminary; the student must wait for the clinical director’s analysis before being sure that they can progress to SPCHSCI744. The clinical director can over-rule the tutor’s rating if analysis of the data contradicts the tutor’s rating.
Clinical Placement Fail Level
A fail level will be determined by The University of Auckland Clinical Director after considering the factors below:
1. The midway point between Intermediate and Entry Level or below in any competencies the COMPASS™ (excluding CBOS 6).
2. The student’s rating in either one or all General Professional Competencies (Communication, Professionalism, Lifelong Learning and Reasoning) on the COMPASS™ Assessment did not meet the criterion for at least between Intermediate and Entry-Level competency as described in the Behavioural Descriptors in the COMPASS™ Assessment booklet).
NB: If the student fails the COMPASS Assessment, the Clinical Director will make the final decision following review of feedback from clinical tutors, review of clinical coursework and discussions with field educators.

Professional, Group and Community Education
Placement Project (30%)
Date: Friday 29th May
• In consultation with your field supervisor and team you are working with on placement, discuss a potential project for you to plan for while on placement. This project will allow you to demonstrate competency in CBOS Unit 6.
• The project may be; to plan an education session for the team you are working in, to plan a presentation to other team members eg; teachers or GPs, to plan a workshop or group education session for clients or their families, a teaching session for Nursing Home staff or ward staff, or planning educational materials eg; brochures. You will need to gain feedback for your plan from your workplace; ie; your supervisor, people in your team or clients/families if appropriate.
• Then discuss, with reference to the literature, the service area and the population you are working with:
1. The rationale for this project
2. The benefits to your clients
3. The benefits to the service
• Next provide a summary of the feedback you have received regarding your planned project, a written reflection on the project and a learning objective which has arisen from this project to support your future professional development.

Clinical Reasoning 
Management Plan & Clinical decision making process (30%)
Hand in date: 5th June
• Submit a Management Plan for one of the clients you are currently working with following the guidelines in the Clinical Handbook.
• Also submit a discussion of up to 2000 words on your clinical decision making process for this client.
o This discussion should clearly and logically state your interpretation of this client’s overall presentation. (This discussion explains how you reached your diagnosis; it is not simply a statement of diagnosis.)
o With reference to the literature, justify your management of this client e.g. why you chose the therapeutic strategies, interventions, service delivery models etc you used and how therapy evolved or was modified over time.
o Describe how you have been measuring outcomes and suggest future recommendations.
Practical Exam (40%)
During the block placement, the student will take a video of themselves working with one of their clients. The student will have full access to all relevant information. Refer to the Practical Exam marking guide for further details.
This exam is a barrier task and must be passed in order for the student to move into 744.
Students who fail this practical exam may, in exceptional circumstances, be offered a resit, at the discretion of the Director of Clinical Education and the Head of Programme.
If a clinical resit is offered and then passed, the maximum grade for this exam is 50% (C-).
If a clinical exam resit is offered and then failed, the maximum grade for the course overall can be no more than 49% (D+).
Dates: The video of this session and the verbal reflection must be uploaded to Dropbox with a link emailed to the Director of Clinical Education by 22nd May and no later than 24hrs after their session and reflection.


We run a peer mentoring system in which the Y2s and linked up with a Y1 to be a contact for them throughout the programme if they have any course questions which they feel more comfortable asking a Y2 student about.  We will set this up in the orientation weeks.

Key Topics

1. Mon 17th Feb
Morning tea with 1st yrs
Orientation to 734 - Philippa
2. Tues 18th Feb
Orientation to 734 - Philippa
Meet the graduates
Meet Year 1s and NZSTA
3. Mon 24th Feb 
12.00-2pm Presentation Skills - Philippa

4. Mon 2nd March
 Models of Service Delivery - Adult focus - Philippa  
5. Mon 9th March
3-5pm Models of Service Delivery Child focus - Liz & Philippa
6. Wed 18th March
3-5pm Clinical case presentations
5 students will present a case study of a client they are currently working with Philippa

7. Mon 30th March
 Placement briefing - Philippa 
8. Mon 6th April
 Clinical case presentations
5 students will present a case study of a client they are currently working with Philippa

9. Wed 8th April 3-5pm Clinical case presentations
5 students will present a case study of a client they are currently working with Philippa

 15th April – 22nd May Block placement

11. Wed 27th May
 Clinical case presentations
5 students will present a case study of a client they are currently working with Philippa

Learning Resources

Essential Reading:
MSLT Prac Clinical Handbook (on Canvas)
The Clinical Record website: https://www.coursebuilder.cad.auckland.ac.nz/flexicourses/1981/publish/1/
COMPASS Assessment Booklet and Manual (on Canvas)
Speech Pathology Australia Competency Based Occupational Standards (CBOS 2011)
NZSTA Principles and Rules of Ethics (on NZSTA Website)
MSLTPrac Field Supervisor Manual (on Google Drive)
NZ Disability Strategy (2001). On internet.
Health and Disability Commissioner – Code of Rights (2009). On internet.
The Privacy Act (1993). On internet.
Evidence based practice maps ASHA http://ncepmaps.org/
Useful Texts and Websites:
Body, R. And McAllister, L. (2009). Ethics in Speech Pathology. London: Wiley & Sons.
Refer to Resources section of the Clinical Handbook and to references in relevant SPCHSCI courses. Teaching and learning opportunities provided in all SPCHSCI courses to date and in SPCHSCI733 & 736 will have direct relevance to the clinical setting. Students are encouraged to actively look for linkages between what they are exposed to in lectures, tutorials and labs and what they experience in clinic.
Reflective Writing https://learn.solent.ac.uk/mod/book/view.php?id=2732&chapterid=1110

Special Requirements

 15th April – 22nd May Block placement

Workload Expectations

This course is a 15 point course and students are expected to spend 10 hours per week involved in each 15 point course that they are enrolled in.

For this course, you can expect a mixture of clinical practicum and tutorials.  You will have one day per week at either our onsite clinics or in an external UoA clinic followed with a 6 week block.  You are expected to complete self directed reading around your clinical placements with guidance from  your clinical educator.

Other Information

Clinic Time & Location:
Clinic/ Practicum sessions will be offered externally for most of the year in clinical settings such as: Auckland City Hospital and Counties Manukau DHB. Some clinics will also be available within The University of Auckland Teaching Clinics.
Semester: Tuesdays or Thursdays from 25th Feb – 8th April
Block Placement: 15th April – 22nd May
Clinics during Easter weeks and mid-semester breaks must be decided in consultation with your clinical tutor and the client. Please do not book any time off/flights until your clinic commitments have been finalised.

Assignment guidelines:
1. Formatting. Assignments are to use 1.5 line spacing, A4 page specification, 18 pt before paragraph spacing, 11 point font and ‘NZ English’ spelling (‘Language’). It is strongly recommended that you use “Styles”, with these details as part of the “normal” style definition (go into ‘Format’, then ‘Styles and Formatting’ to find where to alter the specifications). You should not use repeated ‘enter’ strokes to create spacings. Headings and subheadings (which should also be specified for their style) should be used to organise assignment content.
2. Please use both sides of the page. All pages must be numbered. Please use 2cm margins on all but the left (2.5cm). Use APA style for references (author and date in the text, alphabeticised full reference list at the end. Do not use bibliographies unless specifically asked for).
3. Put your name and your student ID number on assignments. All assignments must have a signed Post Graduate Assignment Cover Sheet.
4. Assignments to be handed in to Adeline Fung (721.321) by 4pm the day the assignment is due. Adeline will date stamp the assignment.
5. Please retain an electronic copy of all coursework; this may be requested at anytime until the end of the exam period. Please also retain marked versions.

Extensions are normally only given when circumstances arise beyond the student’s control that could not be foreseen, such as new illness or major changes to personal circumstances. Where possible extensions must be requested at least two working days in advance e.g. if the deadline is 4pm Monday, you should request an extension before Thursday 4pm. Proof, such as a medical certificate, may be required to support a request for an extension or explain a late assignment. Assignments that are handed in after the due date and time will receive a late penalty (deducting 5% per day from the mark given), unless you obtained an extension from the course co-ordinator prior to the due date.

Digital Resources

Course materials are made available in a learning and collaboration tool called Canvas which also includes reading lists and lecture recordings (where available).

Please remember that the recording of any class on a personal device requires the permission of the instructor.


The content and delivery of content in this course are protected by copyright. Material belonging to others may have been used in this course and copied by and solely for the educational purposes of the University under license.

You may copy the course content for the purposes of private study or research, but you may not upload onto any third party site, make a further copy or sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of the course content to another person.

Academic Integrity

The University of Auckland will not tolerate cheating, or assisting others to cheat, and views cheating in coursework as a serious academic offence. The work that a student submits for grading must be the student's own work, reflecting their learning. Where work from other sources is used, it must be properly acknowledged and referenced. This requirement also applies to sources on the internet. A student's assessed work may be reviewed against online source material using computerised detection mechanisms.

Academic honesty:
The University of Auckland will not tolerate cheating, or assisting others to cheat, and views cheating in coursework as a serious academic offence. The work that a student submits for grading must be the student’s own work, reflecting his or her learning. Where work from other sources is used, it must be properly acknowledged and referenced. This requirement also applies to sources on the world-wide web. A student’s assessed work may be reviewed against electronic source material using computerised detection mechanisms. Upon reasonable request, students may be required to provide an electronic version of their work for computerised review.

Inclusive Learning

All students are asked to discuss any impairment related requirements privately, face to face and/or in written form with the course coordinator, lecturer or tutor.

Student Disability Services also provides support for students with a wide range of impairments, both visible and invisible, to succeed and excel at the University. For more information and contact details, please visit the Student Disability Services’ website at http://disability.auckland.ac.nz

Special Circumstances

If your ability to complete assessed coursework is affected by illness or other personal circumstances outside of your control, contact a member of teaching staff as soon as possible before the assessment is due.

If your personal circumstances significantly affect your performance, or preparation, for an exam or eligible written test, refer to the University’s aegrotat or compassionate consideration page: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/students/academic-information/exams-and-final-results/during-exams/aegrotat-and-compassionate-consideration.html.

This should be done as soon as possible and no later than seven days after the affected test or exam date.

Student Feedback

During the course Class Representatives in each class can take feedback to the staff responsible for the course and staff-student consultative committees.

At the end of the course students will be invited to give feedback on the course and teaching through a tool called SET or Qualtrics. The lecturers and course co-ordinators will consider all feedback.

Your feedback helps to improve the course and its delivery for all students.

Changes made to clinical exam format.
Change in timing of block placement.

Student Charter and Responsibilities

The Student Charter assumes and acknowledges that students are active participants in the learning process and that they have responsibilities to the institution and the international community of scholars. The University expects that students will act at all times in a way that demonstrates respect for the rights of other students and staff so that the learning environment is both safe and productive. For further information visit Student Charter (https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/students/forms-policies-and-guidelines/student-policies-and-guidelines/student-charter.html).


Elements of this outline may be subject to change. The latest information about the course will be available for enrolled students in Canvas.

In this course you may be asked to submit your coursework assessments digitally. The University reserves the right to conduct scheduled tests and examinations for this course online or through the use of computers or other electronic devices. Where tests or examinations are conducted online remote invigilation arrangements may be used. The final decision on the completion mode for a test or examination, and remote invigilation arrangements where applicable, will be advised to students at least 10 days prior to the scheduled date of the assessment, or in the case of an examination when the examination timetable is published.

Published on 16/02/2020 08:44 p.m.