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Showing 25 course outlines from 3703 matches



: Algebraic Structures
2022 Semester Two (1225)
This is a framework for a unified treatment of many different mathematical structures. It concentrates on the fundamental notions of groups, rings and fields. The abstract descriptions are accompanied by numerous concrete examples. Applications abound: symmetries, geometry, coding theory, cryptography and many more. This course is recommended for those planning graduate study in pure mathematics.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, and MATHS 254 or 255


: Algebraic Structures
2021 Semester Two (1215)
This is a framework for a unified treatment of many different mathematical structures. It concentrates on the fundamental notions of groups, rings and fields. The abstract descriptions are accompanied by numerous concrete examples. Applications abound: symmetries, geometry, coding theory, cryptography and many more. This course is recommended for those planning graduate study in pure mathematics.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, and MATHS 254 or 255


: Algebraic Structures
2020 Semester Two (1205)
This is a framework for a unified treatment of many different mathematical structures. It concentrates on the fundamental notions of groups, rings and fields. The abstract descriptions are accompanied by numerous concrete examples. Applications abound: symmetries, geometry, coding theory, cryptography and many more. This course is recommended for those planning graduate study in pure mathematics.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, and MATHS 254 or 255


: Combinatorics
2024 Semester One (1243)
Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that studies collections of objects that satisfy specified criteria. An important part of combinatorics is graph theory, which is now connected to other disciplines including bioinformatics, electrical engineering, molecular chemistry and social science. The use of combinatorics in solving counting and construction problems is covered using topics that include algorithmic graph theory, codes and incidence structures, and combinatorial complexity.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 254, or 250 and a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225


: Combinatorics
2023 Semester One (1233)
Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that studies collections of objects that satisfy specified criteria. An important part of combinatorics is graph theory, which is now connected to other disciplines including bioinformatics, electrical engineering, molecular chemistry and social science. The use of combinatorics in solving counting and construction problems is covered using topics that include algorithmic graph theory, codes and incidence structures, and combinatorial complexity.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250 or 254, and a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225


: Combinatorics
2022 Semester One (1223)
Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that studies collections of objects that satisfy specified criteria. An important part of combinatorics is graph theory, which is now connected to other disciplines including bioinformatics, electrical engineering, molecular chemistry and social science. The use of combinatorics in solving counting and construction problems is covered using topics that include algorithmic graph theory, codes and incidence structures, and combinatorial complexity.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 254 or 255, or MATHS 250 and a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225


: Combinatorics
2021 Semester One (1213)
Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that studies collections of objects that satisfy specified criteria. An important part of combinatorics is graph theory, which is now connected to other disciplines including bioinformatics, electrical engineering, molecular chemistry and social science. The use of combinatorics in solving counting and construction problems is covered using topics that include algorithmic graph theory, codes and incidence structures, and combinatorial complexity.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 254 or 255, or MATHS 250 and a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225, or a B+ or higher in both COMPSCI 225 and MATHS 208


: Combinatorics
2020 Semester One (1203)
Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that studies collections of objects that satisfy specified criteria. An important part of combinatorics is graph theory, which is now connected to other disciplines including bioinformatics, electrical engineering, molecular chemistry and social science. The use of combinatorics in solving counting and construction problems is covered using topics that include algorithmic graph theory, codes and incidence structures, and combinatorial complexity.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 254 or 255, or COMPSCI 225 and a B+ or higher in MATHS 208, or COMPSCI 225 and MATHS 250


: Algebra and Applications
2024 Semester One (1243)
The goal of this course is to show the power of algebra and number theory in the real world. It concentrates on concrete objects like polynomial rings, finite fields, groups of points on elliptic curves, studies their elementary properties and shows their exceptional applicability to various problems in information technology including cryptography, secret sharing, and reliable transmission of information through an unreliable channel.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250 and 254, or a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225 and 15 points from MATHS 250, 253


: Algebra and Applications
2023 Semester One (1233)
The goal of this course is to show the power of algebra and number theory in the real world. It concentrates on concrete objects like polynomial rings, finite fields, groups of points on elliptic curves, studies their elementary properties and shows their exceptional applicability to various problems in information technology including cryptography, secret sharing, and reliable transmission of information through an unreliable channel.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250 and 254, or a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225 and 15 points from MATHS 250, 253


: Algebra and Applications
2022 Semester One (1223)
The goal of this course is to show the power of algebra and number theory in the real world. It concentrates on concrete objects like polynomial rings, finite fields, groups of points on elliptic curves, studies their elementary properties and shows their exceptional applicability to various problems in information technology including cryptography, secret sharing, and reliable transmission of information through an unreliable channel.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, and 254 or 255, or a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225 and 15 points from MATHS 250, 253


: Algebra and Applications
2021 Semester One (1213)
The goal of this course is to show the power of algebra and number theory in the real world. It concentrates on concrete objects like polynomial rings, finite fields, groups of points on elliptic curves, studies their elementary properties and shows their exceptional applicability to various problems in information technology including cryptography, secret sharing, and reliable transmission of information through an unreliable channel.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, and MATHS 254 or 255, or a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225 and 15 points from MATHS 208, 250, 253


: Algebra and Applications
2020 Semester One (1203)
The goal of this course is to show the power of algebra and number theory in the real world. It concentrates on concrete objects like polynomial rings, finite fields, groups of points on elliptic curves, studies their elementary properties and shows their exceptional applicability to various problems in information technology including cryptography, secret sharing, and reliable transmission of information through an unreliable channel.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, and MATHS 254 or 255, or a B+ or higher in COMPSCI 225 and 15 points from MATHS 208, 250, 253


: Real Analysis
2024 Semester Two (1245)
A standard course for every student intending to advance in pure mathematics. It develops the foundational mathematics underlying calculus, it introduces a rigorous approach to continuous mathematics and fosters an understanding of the special thinking and arguments involved in this area. The main focus is analysis in one real variable with the topics including real fields, limits and continuity, Riemann integration and power series.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, 254


: Real Analysis
2023 Semester Two (1235)
A standard course for every student intending to advance in pure mathematics. It develops the foundational mathematics underlying calculus, it introduces a rigorous approach to continuous mathematics and fosters an understanding of the special thinking and arguments involved in this area. The main focus is analysis in one real variable with the topics including real fields, limits and continuity, Riemann integration and power series.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, 254


: Real Analysis
2022 Semester Two (1225)
A standard course for every student intending to advance in pure mathematics. It develops the foundational mathematics underlying calculus, it introduces a rigorous approach to continuous mathematics and fosters an understanding of the special thinking and arguments involved in this area. The main focus is analysis in one real variable with the topics including real fields, limits and continuity, Riemann integration and power series.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250 and 254 or 255


: Real Analysis
2021 Semester Two (1215)
A standard course for every student intending to advance in pure mathematics. It develops the foundational mathematics underlying calculus, it introduces a rigorous approach to continuous mathematics and fosters an understanding of the special thinking and arguments involved in this area. The main focus is analysis in one real variable with the topics including real fields, limits and continuity, Riemann integration and power series.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, and MATHS 254 or 255 or an A or higher in MATHS 253 and 260


: Real Analysis
2020 Semester Two (1205)
A standard course for every student intending to advance in pure mathematics. It develops the foundational mathematics underlying calculus, it introduces a rigorous approach to continuous mathematics and fosters an understanding of the special thinking and arguments involved in this area. The main focus is analysis in one real variable with the topics including real fields, limits and continuity, Riemann integration and power series.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 250, and MATHS 254 or 255 or an A or higher in MATHS 253 and 260


: Analysis in Higher Dimensions
2024 Semester One (1243)
By selecting the important properties of distance many different mathematical contexts are studied simultaneously in the framework of metric and normed spaces. This course examines carefully the ways in which the derivative generalises to higher dimensional situations. These concepts lead to precise studies of continuity, fixed points and the solution of differential equations. A recommended course for all students planning to advance in pure mathematics.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 332 or a B or higher in MATHS 254


: Analysis in Higher Dimensions
2023 Semester One (1233)
By selecting the important properties of distance many different mathematical contexts are studied simultaneously in the framework of metric and normed spaces. Examines carefully the ways in which the derivative generalises to higher dimensional situations. These concepts lead to precise studies of continuity, fixed points and the solution of differential equations. A recommended course for all students planning to advance in pure mathematics.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 332 or a B or higher in MATHS 254


: Analysis in Higher Dimensions
2022 Semester One (1223)
By selecting the important properties of distance many different mathematical contexts are studied simultaneously in the framework of metric and normed spaces. Examines carefully the ways in which the derivative generalises to higher dimensional situations. These concepts lead to precise studies of continuity, fixed points and the solution of differential equations. A recommended course for all students planning to advance in pure mathematics.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 332 or a B or higher in MATHS 254


: Analysis in Higher Dimensions
2021 Semester One (1213)
By selecting the important properties of distance many different mathematical contexts are studied simultaneously in the framework of metric and normed spaces. Examines carefully the ways in which the derivative generalises to higher dimensional situations. These concepts lead to precise studies of continuity, fixed points and the solution of differential equations. A recommended course for all students planning to advance in pure mathematics.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 332


: Analysis in Higher Dimensions
2020 Semester One (1203)
By selecting the important properties of distance many different mathematical contexts are studied simultaneously in the framework of metric and normed spaces. Examines carefully the ways in which the derivative generalises to higher dimensional situations. These concepts lead to precise studies of continuity, fixed points and the solution of differential equations. A recommended course for all students planning to advance in pure mathematics.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 332


: Algebraic Geometry
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics studying zeros of polynomials. The fundamental objects in algebraic geometry are algebraic varieties i.e., solution sets of systems of polynomial equations.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 332, and at least one of MATHS 320, 328 and Departmental approval
Restriction: MATHS 734


: Algebraic Geometry
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics studying zeros of polynomials. The fundamental objects in algebraic geometry are algebraic varieties i.e., solution sets of systems of polynomial equations.
Subject: Mathematics
Prerequisite: MATHS 332, and at least one of MATHS 320, 328 and Departmental approval
Restriction: MATHS 734