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Showing 25 course outlines from 3703 matches



: Cognitive Science
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Provides an introduction to cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience. Topics covered include: visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, thinking and problem-solving. Participation in the laboratory component of this course is compulsory.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Human Neuroscience
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Covers material relating to the neural basis of cognitive processes, including perception, attention, memory and language. Students will be introduced to different methods of inferring mind-brain relations in normal and neurologically-impaired individuals, and different ways of conceptualising mind-brain relations, such as connectionism and modularism.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125, or MEDSCI 206 or PHYSIOL 220


: Human Neuroscience
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Covers material relating to the neural basis of cognitive processes, including perception, attention, memory and language. Students will be introduced to different methods of inferring mind-brain relations in normal and neurologically-impaired individuals, and different ways of conceptualising mind-brain relations, such as connectionism and modularism.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125, or MEDSCI 206 or PHYSIOL 220


: Research Methods in Psychology
2024 Semester One (1243)
Deals with principles and practices relevant to psychological research, including philosophy of science, research ethics, research design, measurement of dependent variables, describing and analysing data, and interpreting results. Participation in the laboratory component of this course is compulsory.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Research Methods in Psychology
2023 Semester One (1233)
Deals with principles and practices relevant to psychological research, including philosophy of science, research ethics, research design, measurement of dependent variables, describing and analysing data, and interpreting results. Participation in the laboratory component of this course is compulsory.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Research Methods in Psychology
2022 Semester One (1223)
Deals with principles and practices relevant to psychological research, including philosophy of science, research ethics, research design, measurement of dependent variables, describing and analysing data, and interpreting results. Participation in the laboratory component of this course is compulsory.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Research Methods in Psychology
2020 Semester One (1203)
Deals with principles and practices relevant to psychological research, including philosophy of science, research ethics, research design, measurement of dependent variables, describing and analysing data, and interpreting results. Participation in the laboratory component of this course is compulsory.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Directed Study
2023 Semester One (1233)
A course of research supervised by a staff member and written up as a course for publication instead of a final examination. <i>Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125 Corequisite: Student must be enrolled in (or have completed) an additional 45 points at Stage III in Psychology courses plus Head of School approval</i>
Subject: Psychology
To complete this course students must enrol in PSYCH 308 A and B, or PSYCH 308


: Directed Study
2022 Semester One (1223)
A course of research supervised by a staff member and written up as a course for publication instead of a final examination. <i>Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125 Corequisite: Student must be enrolled in (or have completed) an additional 45 points at Stage III in Psychology courses plus Head of School approval</i>
Subject: Psychology
To complete this course students must enrol in PSYCH 308 A and B, or PSYCH 308


: Learning
2024 Semester One (1243)
A discussion of how behaviour is controlled and modified by discriminative stimuli and by consequential reinforcers and punishers. The emphasis is on laboratory research with animals, but with some human data also considered. Topics include: choice behaviour, punishment, avoidance, psychophysics, memory, and cognition. This course includes a compulsory laboratory component.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125, or 45 points at Stage II in Biological Sciences
Restriction: PSYCH 362


: Learning
2023 Semester One (1233)
A discussion of how behaviour is controlled and modified by discriminative stimuli and by consequential reinforcers and punishers. The emphasis is on laboratory research with animals, but with some human data also considered. Topics include: choice behaviour, punishment, avoidance, psychophysics, memory, and cognition. This course includes a compulsory laboratory component.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125, or 45 points at Stage II in Biological Sciences
Restriction: PSYCH 362


: Learning
2022 Semester One (1223)
A discussion of how behaviour is controlled and modified by discriminative stimuli and by consequential reinforcers and punishers. The emphasis is on laboratory research with animals, but with some human data also considered. Topics include: choice behaviour, punishment, avoidance, psychophysics, memory, and cognition. This course includes a compulsory laboratory component.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125, or 45 points at Stage II in Biological Sciences
Restriction: PSYCH 362


: Learning
2020 Semester One (1203)
A discussion of how behaviour is controlled and modified by discriminative stimuli and by consequential reinforcers and punishers. The emphasis is on laboratory research with animals, but with some human data also considered. Topics include: choice behaviour, punishment, avoidance, psychophysics, memory, and cognition. This course includes a compulsory laboratory component.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125, or 45 points at Stage II in Biological Sciences
Restriction: PSYCH 362


: Introduction to Clinical Psychology
2023 Semester Two (1235)
Describes and evaluates psychological approaches to the assessment and treatment of those mental health problems, in adults and children, most commonly encountered by clinical psychologists. Consideration is given to work in mental health, corrections, child protection and neuropsychology rehabilitation. Issues relevant to Māori mental health, gender, cross-cultural work and prevention are included.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Introduction to Clinical Psychology
2022 Semester Two (1225)
Describes and evaluates psychological approaches to the assessment and treatment of those mental health problems, in adults and children, most commonly encountered by clinical psychologists. Consideration is given to work in mental health, corrections, child protection and neuropsychology rehabilitation. Issues relevant to Māori mental health, gender, cross-cultural work and prevention are included.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Introduction to Clinical Psychology
2021 Semester Two (1215)
Describes and evaluates psychological approaches to the assessment and treatment of those mental health problems, in adults and children, most commonly encountered by clinical psychologists. Consideration is given to work in mental health, corrections, child protection and neuropsychology rehabilitation. Issues relevant to Māori mental health, gender, cross-cultural work and prevention are included.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Introduction to Clinical Psychology
2020 Semester Two (1205)
Describes and evaluates psychological approaches to the assessment and treatment of those mental health problems, in adults and children, most commonly encountered by clinical psychologists. Consideration is given to work in mental health, corrections, child protection and neuropsychology rehabilitation. Issues relevant to Māori mental health, gender, cross-cultural work and prevention are included.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
2024 Semester One (1243)
Focuses on a number of key topics in social psychology. Modules examine interpersonal influence and close relationships, collective behaviour, prejudice and social issues, and social identity and well-being.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
2023 Semester One (1233)
Focuses on a number of key topics in social psychology. Modules examine interpersonal influence and close relationships, collective behaviour, prejudice and social issues, and social identity and well-being.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
2022 Semester One (1223)
Focuses on a number of key topics in social psychology. Modules examine interpersonal influence and close relationships, collective behaviour, prejudice and social issues, and social identity and well-being.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
2021 Semester One (1213)
Focuses on a number of key topics in social psychology. Modules examine interpersonal influence and close relationships, collective behaviour, prejudice and social issues, and social identity and well-being.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
2020 Semester One (1203)
Focuses on a number of key topics in social and community psychology. One module examines issues in identity and well-being, a second module looks at interpersonal influence and intimate relationships, and a third module addresses collective behaviour and social issues.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Psychology of Communication
2024 Semester One (1243)
Studies the links between psychological processes and communication difficulties. Hearing, speech, language and voice will be covered. A range of communication difficulties and communication differences will be introduced and the psychosocial aspects will be discussed, including impact on self-esteem, health-related quality of life, peer/interpersonal relationships and educational and behavioural consequences in children and adults.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Psychology of Communication Disorders
2023 Semester One (1233)
Studies the links between psychological processes and communication disorders. Hearing and speech and language development will be covered. A range of communication disorders will be introduced. Psychosocial aspects of communication disorders including impact on self-esteem, health-related quality of life, peer/interpersonal relationships and educational and behavioural consequences of communication disorders in children will also be discussed.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125


: Psychology of Communication Disorders
2022 Semester One (1223)
Studies the links between psychological processes and communication disorders. Hearing and speech and language development will be covered. A range of communication disorders will be introduced. Psychosocial aspects of communication disorders including impact on self-esteem, health-related quality of life, peer/interpersonal relationships and educational and behavioural consequences of communication disorders in children will also be discussed.
Subject: Psychology
Prerequisite: 45 points at Stage II in Psychology and 15 points from STATS 100-125